Mojave Desert Points of Interest
A comprehensive list of points of interest in the Mojave Desert, organized alphabetically. It covers natural landmarks, historic sites, ghost towns, parks, and unique features like mines, canyons, and dry lakes.
Each entry gives an insight into various desert locations, from well-known spots like Joshua Tree and Death Valley to lesser-known historical areas and ghost towns.
Acorn Lodge --
Adelanto --
Afton Canyon --
Aguereberry Camp --
Aguereberry Point --
Aiken Arch --
Alabama Hills --
Amargosa Desert --
Amargosa Mine --
Amargosa River --
Amboy --
Amboy Crater --
American Hotel --
Anderson Dry Lake --
Angeles National Forest --
Angeles National Forest Campgrounds (List) --
Antelope Valley --
Antelope Valley Indian Museum --
Antelope Valley Poppy Reserve --
Anvil Spring --
Apple Valley --
Apple Valley Inn --
Arbuckle Mine --
Arch Rock (White Tank Arch) --
Argus --
Argus Range --
Arizona --
Arrowhead Pinnacles --
Artist's Palette --
Ashford Mill --
Ash Meadows Wildlife Refuge --
Asistencia --
Atolia --
Badwater --
Badwater Spring --
Bagdad Cemetery --
Bajada Trail --
Baker, CA --
Baldy Mesa --
Baldwin --
Ballarat --
Ballarat Cemetery --
Ball Flat --
Barker Dam --
Barstow, CA --
Barstow Area --
Beale Adobe --
Beale Springs --
Beale's Wagon Road --
Bear Valley --
Beatty, NV --
Bell Mountain --
Bell Mountain Views --
Bennett's Long Camp --
Bickel Camp --
Big Bear, CA --
Big Bear Discovery Center --
Big Bear (Eastwood) Dam --
Big Bear Lake --
Big Bear Lake Shoreline --
Big Bear Lake from Boat --
Big Dune, Nv --
Bighorn Mine --
Big Morongo Canyon --
Big Pine, CA --
Big Pines Visitor Center --
Big Rock Creek --
Bill Williams River --
Bishop, CA --
Bitter Springs --
Black Hawk Gold Mine And Mill --
Black Hawk Landslide --
Black Rock Canyon --
Blue Cut --
Blue Ridge Campground --
Blue Ridge Summit --
Bodie Ghost Town --
Bonanza King Mill --
Bonanza King Mine --
Borate & Marion --
Bonnelli House --
Bonnelli Landing --
Bonnie Claire --
Bonnie Keebler-Harris Grave --
Borate & Marion --
Boron, CA --
Boron Cemetery --
Bottle Tree Ranch --
Boulder (Hoover) Dam --
Boundary Cone --
Box S Ranch --
Bristlecone Pine Forest --
Bristol Dry Lake --
Broadwell Dry Lake --
Burden's Store --
Burro Schmidt Cabin --
Burro Schmidt Tunnel --
Butte Valley --
Cadiz, CA --
Cadiz Dunes --
Cadiz Summit --
Cajon Creek --
Cajon Summit --
Cajon Pass --
Calico Cemetery --
Calico Ghost Town --
Caliente --
California City --
Callville Bay --
Camp Cady --
Camp Cajon --
Camp Eldorado --
Camp Marl Springs --
Camp Rock Spring --
Cap Rock --
Carrara - Elizalde --
Cartago, CA --
Casa Del Desierto --
Castles in the Clay --
Cat Dune --
Cement Boat --
Cerro Gordo Cemetery --
Cerro Gordo Ghost Town --
Chambless --
Champion Lodgepole Pine --
Chief Tecopa's House --
Children's Forest --
Children's Forest Visitor Center --
Chimney Rock --
China Ranch --
Chloride, AZ --
Chloride Cliff --
Cholla Garden --
Cima Dome --
Cima Ghost Town --
Cinder Cones --
Circle Mountain --
Club Ed (EZ Rest Inn) --
Colorado Desert --
Colorado Desert (Joshua Tree NP) --
Colorado River --
Colorado River (Historic Route 66) --
Colorado River (Lower) --
Colorado River (Upper) --
Communities (List) --
Convict Lake --
Coolgardie (Site) --
Cottonwood Cove --
Cottonwood Island --
Cottonwood Kilns --
Cottonwood Spring --
Conn-Trudo Borax Works --
Cougar Buttes --
Coyote Dry Lake --
Cozy Dell --
Cronese (Cronise) Basin --
Cronese Cat (dune) --
Crystal Springs --
Cudahy Ghost Town --
Daggett, CA --
Daggett Ditch --
Daggett Garage --
Dante's View --
Dante's View --
Dale Dry Lake --
Dam Keeper's House --
Danby, CA --
Danny's Place --
Darwin Falls --
Darwin Ghost Town --
Davis Dam --
Dawson Saddle --
Dead Man's Point --
Death Valley --
Death Valley Junction, CA --
Death Valley Mine --
Death Valley National Park --
Death Valley Ranch --
Deep Creek Hot Springs --
Desert Megaphone --
Desert Queen Mine --
Desert Queen Ranch --
Devil's Cornfield --
Devil's Golfcourse --
Devil's Pit --
Devil's Playground --
Devil's Punchbowl --
Devil's Punchbowl (Arches) --
Dirty Sock Springs --
Discovery Center --
Doble Cemetery --
Doble Town Site --
Dolomite Ghost Town --
Dry Lakes (List) --
Dublin Gulch --
Dumont Dunes --
Eagle Cliff Mine --
Eagle Borax Works --
Earp Cabin --
East Mojave Desert --
Eastern Sierra Nevada --
Echo Bay --
Eldorado Canyon --
Eldorado Canyon Cutoff --
El Garces --
Elizabeth Lake --
Elizalde - Carrara --
Elmer's Bottle Tree Ranch --
El Mirage Dry Lake --
El Paso Mountains --
Elva's Malt Shop* --
Emerson Dry Lake --
Emigrant Pass --
Emma Jean's Holland Burger --
End of the Trail* --
Essex --
Eureka Dunes --
Eureka Mine --
Eureka Peak --
Evening Star Mine --
Exotic World Museum --
EZ Rest Inn (Club Ed) --
Father Crowley Point --
Fork In The Road --
Fort Mohave --
Fort Paiute --
Fort Tejon --
Forty-nine Palms Oasis --
Fossil Falls --
Fossil Shell Layers --
Fossil Trackways --
Four Aces --
Freeman Junction --
Fried Liver Wash --
Furnace Creek --
Galway Dry Lake --
Garces Harvey House --
Garlock Ghost Town --
Garlock Ghost Town --
Geologist's Cabin --
Geology Tour Road --
Giant Rock --
Gobar's Dairy --
Goffs --
Golden Canyon --
Gold Hammer Mine --
Gold Mountain Mill --
Goldstone (site) --
Goldwell Museum --
Goler Gulch Ghost Town --
Goodsprings, Nevada --
Grand Canyon --
Grand Canyon Caverns --
Grapevine Canyon --
Grassy Hollow --
Green Valley Lake --
Greenwater --
Grimshaw Riparian Area --
Guffy Campground --
Halloran Springs --
Hangman's Tree --
Harmony Borax Works --
Harper Dry Lake --
Havasu Wildlife Refuge --
Hercules Finger --
Hesperia --
Hesperia Airport --
Hesperia Country Club --
Hesperia Hotel (site) --
Hesperia Lake --
Hesperia Schoolhouse --
Hidden Valley --
Hill 582 --
Hilltop House --
Hinkley --
Holcomb Valley --
Holcomb Valley Cabin --
Hole-in-the-Wall --
Holly Mine --
Hoover Dam --
Horsethief Canyon --
Horse Thief Springs --
Hualapai Mountain Park --
Hunter Cabin --
Ibex Dunes --
Ibex Ghost Town --
Ibex Springs --
Immigrant Point --
Impassable pass --
Indian Bedrock Mortar --
Indian Cove --
Indian Wells Valley --
Inspiration Point --
Iron Hog --
Jackson Lake --
Jess Ranch Golfcourse * --
Jess Ranch Lakes * --
Johannesburg --
Johannesburg Cemetery --
Johnson Valley OHV --
Joshua Tree --
Joshua Tree, CA --
Joshua Tree National Park --
Jubilee Pass --
Jumbo Rocks --
June Lake Loop --
Keane Spring
Keane Wonder Mill --
Keane Wonder Mine --
Keane Wonder Tram --
Keebler-Harris, Bonnie - Grave Site --
Keeler Cemetery --
Keeler Ghost Town --
Keeler Smelter --
Keller Peak Lookout --
Kelso --
Kelso Depot (Station) --
Kelso Dunes --
Kemper Campbell Ranch --
Key's View --
Kingman, Az.
King Clone --
Koehn Dry Lake --
Kokoweef --
Kramer Junction --
La Delta --
Lake Adelaide --
Lake Arrowhead --
Lake Dolores --
Lake Gregory --
Lake Havasu --
Lake Los Angeles --
Lake Manix --
Lake Manly --
Lake Mead --
Lake Mohave --
Lake Silverwood --
Lake Tuendae --
Lamel Spring --
Lancaster --
Landers --
Lane's Crossing --
Las Flores Ranch --
Las Vegas Springs --
Last Chance Canyon --
Lava Arch --
Lava Tube (Mojave Preserve) --
Lava Tube (Pisgah) --
Leadfield Ghost Town --
Lee Flat --
Lester Dale Mine --
Limber Pine Forest --
Little Horsethief Canyon --
Little Lake --
Little Rock --
Little Rock Reservoir --
Lippencott Mine --
Llano Del Rio --
Locomotive 3759 --
Lone Pine, CA --
Lone Pine Canyon --
Lost Burro Mine --
Lost Horse Mine --
Lost Lake --
Lost Palms Oasis --
Lucerne Dry Lake --
Lucerne Earthquake Cracks --
Lucerne Valley --
Lucerne Valley Ca --
Lucerne Valley Museum --
Ludlow --
Ludlow Cemetery --
Ludlow (Route 66) --
Malapai Hill --
Marble Canyon --
Mariposa Grove --
Marl Springs --
Mastodon Mine --
Mastodon Peak --
Maverick Stadium --
Means Sand Dunes --
Mesquite Flats Sand Dunes --
Mesquite Springs --
Minneola --
Mitchell Caverns --
Mission San Gabriel --
Mojave Air & Space Port --
Mojave, CA --
Mojave Desert (Joshua Tree NP) --
Mojave National Preserve --
Mojave River --
Mojave River Fish Hatchery --
Mojave River Narrows* --
Mojave River Narrows* --
Mono Lake --
Monument Peak --
Moorehouse Mine --
Moorten's Mill --
Mormon Fort (Las Vegas) --
Mormon Hogback --
Mormon Mesa --
Mormon Rocks --
Mormon Stockade --
Mosaic Canyon --
Mountain High East --
Mountain High North --
Mountain High West --
Mountain Meadows, Utah --
Mountain Springs --
Mt. Baden-Powell --
Mt. Baden-Powell Summit --
Mt. Charleston --
Mt. Whitney --
Muddy River --
Mud Hills --
Mushroom Rock --
Mustard Canyon --
Mystery Furnaces --
Mystic Maze --
Natural Bridge --
Needles, CA --
Needles, the, AZ --
Nelson, Nevada --
Nevada --
Newberry Cave --
Newberry Springs --
New Corral Motel --
New Dale --
Nipton --
Noonday Mine Town Site --
Northeast Mojave Desert --
Oakdale Nudist Camp --
Oasis of Mara --
Oatman, Az --
Ocotillo Patch --
O.K. Mine --
Olancha Dunes --
Old Dale Ghost Town --
Old Dinah --
Old Dominion Mine --
Old Dutch Cleanser Mine --
Old Spanish Trail --
Old Tecopa --
Old Woman Springs Ranch --
Old Woman Springs --
Oro Grande --
Oro Grande Cemetery --
Oro Grande Underpass
Overton Beach --
Owens Valley --
Owens Lake --
Owl Canyon --
Owl Hole Spring --
Padre Crowley Point --
Pahrump, NV --
Palisades Ranch --
Palmdale, CA --
Panamint City --
Panamint Dunes --
Panamint Valley --
Panamint Valley Overlook --
Parker Dam --
Peace Rock --
Pearblossom --
Perlite --
Phelan --
Pinto Basin Junction --
Pilot Rock --
Pioneertown --
Pioneer Point --
Pisgah Crater --
Point of Rocks --
Poppy Reserve --
Porcupine Wash --
Post Office Spring --
Potapov's Station --
Powerhouse/Route 66 Museum
Providence Ghost Town --
Providence Mountains (idx) --
Providence Mountains --
Quartz Hill --
Queen Valley. --
Rabbit Springs --
Racetrack Playa --
Ragtown Ghost Town --
Rainbow Basin --
Rainbow Bridge --
Rancho Las Flores --
Rancho La Liebre --
Randsburg Ghost Town --
Red Mountain --
Red Pass --
Red Rock Canyon (CA) --
Red Rock Canyon (NV) --
Reeves Dry Lake --
Resting Springs --
Rhyolite Ghost Town --
Rice --
Ridgecrest, CA --
Ripley Desert Woodland --
Rock Springs Ranch --
Robber's Roost --
Rosalie --
Rosamond --
Route 66 Museum, Victorville --
Ruth Mine --
Ryan/Lila C. --
Ryan Mountain --
Saddleback Butte --
Sage Brush Inn --
Saline Valley --
Saline Valley Salt Tram --
Saline Valley Salt Works --
Saline Valley Sand Dunes --
Salsberry Pass --
Salt Creek --
Salt Springs/Creek ACEC --
San Andreas Fault --
San Bernardino --
San Bernardino County --
San Bernardino National Forest --
Sanford Pass --
San Gabriel (Mission) --
Santa Fe Depot --
Saratoga Springs --
Sawpit Canyon --
Scotty's Castle --
Searchlight Cemetery --
Searchlight, NV --
Searles Dry Lake --
Searles Valley --
Seventeen Mile Point --
Shaman's Eye --
Shoreline Butte --
Shorty's Grave --
Shorty's Well --
Shoshone --
Shoshone, CA --
Shoshone Cemetery --
Sierra Nevada (Eastern) --
Sierra Nevada Batholith --
Silurian Lake --
Silver Bell (JTNP) --
Silver Bell Mine --
Silver Lake (dry) --
Silver Lake Rock Cairns --
Silver Lakes --
Silverwood Gallery --
Silverwood Lake --
Sitgreaves Pass --
Skidoo --
Ski Sunrise (Mountain High North) --
Skull Rock --
Slash X Ranch --
Sleeping Beauty Mountain --
Smoketree Wash --
Socialist Colony Ruins (Llano) --
Soda Lake --
Soggy Dry Lake --
South Mojave Desert --
Spirit Mountain --
Split Cinder Cone --
Split Rock --
Spring Valley --
Squaw Tank. --
St. George, Utah --
Stagecoach Station --
Stedman Ghost Town --
Stoddard Mountain --
Stone Hotel --
Stovepipe Wells --
Striped Butte --
Sullivan's Curve --
Summit (Cajon) --
Summit (Railroad) --
Summit Valley --
Superior Dry Lake (central) --
Superior Dry Lake (east) --
Swansea Ghost Town --
Sycamore Grove --
Table Mountain Campground --
Table Mountain Ski Lodge --
Table Mountain Ski Lodge --
Teakettle Junction --
Techatticup Mine --
Tecopa, CA --
Tecopa Hot Springs --
Tehachapi, CA --
Tehachapi Loop --
Telescope Peak --
Temple Bar --
Teutonia Peak --
The Portal --
Titus Canyon --
Tom Kelly's Bottle House --
Tomo Kahni --
Tonopah, Nevada --
Topock Gorge --
Topock Marsh --
Trilobite Site --
Trona, CA --
Trona Pinnacles --
Tropico Gold Mine --
Turkey Flats --
Twenty Mule Team Canyon --
Twenty Mule Team Museum --
Ubehebe Crater --
Utah --
Valley of Fire --
Valyermo --
Vasquez Rocks --
Victor Valley --
Victor Valley Memorial Park --
Victorville, CA --
Victorville Jail --
Vidal, CA --
Vidal Junction, CA --
Virgin River --
Virginia Dale Mine --
Vincent Gap --
Vincent's Cabin --
Walker Pass --
Walking Box Ranch
Wall Street Mill --
Walters' General Store --
Warm Springs (Saline Valley) --
Watson's Service Station --
West Side Road --
Wild Horse Mesa --
Wild Pool Hot Springs --
White Orange Cafe & Motel --
White Tank Arch (Arch Rock) --
Wildrose Kilns --
Willow Beach --
Willow Springs --
Winona Mill --
Wrightwood --
Wrightwood, Ca. (offsite link)
X Marks the Spot
Yosemite Valley *
Yucca Rings ACEC --
Yucca Valley, CA --
Zabriskie Point --
Zion National Park --
Zzyzx --
* Deprecated
Parks, Forests & Public Lands
Ghost Towns & Gold Mines
Dry Lakes
Sand Dunes
Arches & Lava Tubes
Buildings & Architecture
Buildings & Architecture --
Water --
Dry Lakes --
Sand Dunes --
Arches & Lava Tubes --
Ranches --