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Sagebrush Route Tour

End of the Trail

2.50 -- The End of the Trail (east) -- now a residence.

The stone architecture would seem to be that of Helendale and Oro Grande's chief bootlegger, Guy Wadsworth, who built rock houses in the area. It was a commercial building in the past, and you can still see the old half-circle drive that provided access for the customers. One of its architectural points is the striking wagon wheel window next to the front door.

Oro Grande resident Ovie Corrington knew it as the Kootchie Koo bar, the informal name her brother and brother-in-law gave it in 1942. They were staying with the Corringtons, working on the farm as they waited to be inducted into the Navy. They dropped into the place for a beer now and then, and one of the popular tunes they sang in the bar was "Five Foot Two, Eyes of Blue." One of the lyrics went:

But could she love, could she woo
Could she kootchie kootchie koo
Has anybody seen my gal?

Oro Grande Underpass

Danny's Place

The Iron Hog

La Delta

End of the Trail

Elva's Malt Shop

Potapov's Service Station

Sage Brush Inn

White Orange Cafe & Motel

Watson's Richfield

Polly Gas

Helendale Store

Burden's Store & Post Office

Featuring Route 66

It doesn't represent America, it is America!
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