Digital-Desert : Mojave Desert
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Sagebrush Route Tour

Sage Brush Inn

Sage Brush Inn - 2010

6.35 -- Sage Brush Inn (west) -- now a residence.

The roadhouse owned by George and Elizabeth (Sagebrush Annie) Sibert. 6.35 -- Winters' Place (east) -- now a residence.

Harold and Anita Winters were relatives of Sagebrush Annie, and they built their place across the highway from the Sage Brush Inn in 1934. It was a beer bar in the early period and the scene of many madcap adventures, according to Bill Bender.

Bill said the business had a bar that was 36 feet long, but it was destroyed by a recovering alcoholic who was left in charge to watch over things. The alcoholic fell off the wagon, chopped up the bar and sold it to Sagebrush Annie for firewood in order to buy some liquor.

6.50 -- Vondettums' Place (west) -- now a residence.

George and Minnie Vondettum were friends of the Siberts, and Sagebrush Annie talked them into coming to the desert to live next door. Minnie is well remembered for her desert poetry. The original block buildings are still there but are small and hard to see amid the more modern structures.

Oro Grande Underpass

Danny's Place

The Iron Hog

La Delta

End of the Trail

Elva's Malt Shop

Potapov's Service Station

Sage Brush Inn

White Orange Cafe & Motel

Watson's Richfield

Polly Gas

Helendale Store

Burden's Store & Post Office

Featuring Route 66

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