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Sagebrush Route Tour

Helendale Store

8.35 Helendale Store - Vista Road (west).

Helendale store and beer bar. In the early days it was called the Gables. North of the Gables is RV Realty, which at one time was the Helendale Post Office (1957-1986).


The Helendale Store is located on Route 66 in Helendale, California. It is a landmark with history and culture attached to the famous Mother Road. Helendale is a small community in the Mojave Desert. It grew as a stop along the historic highway, important for travelers and trade in the 20th century.

The store is often referred to as part of the more significant attractions of Helendale on Route 66, one of the many places that catered to drivers looking for a break, supplies, and snacks while making their trip across the desert. It shows how much roadside business grew because of Route 66 in small towns. Today, many of these shops, including the Helendale Store, are honored for being linked to the highway's important history.

Helendale has attractions like the Silver Lakes community and the well-known Bottle Tree Ranch. This quirky art installation is well-loved and just a short drive away on Route 66. These places show Helendale's unique charm and lasting importance as a stop on America's historic highway.

Helendale, CA

Oro Grande Underpass

Danny's Place

The Iron Hog

La Delta

End of the Trail

Elva's Malt Shop

Potapov's Service Station

Sage Brush Inn

White Orange Cafe & Motel

Watson's Richfield

Polly Gas

Helendale Store

Burden's Store & Post Office

Featuring Route 66

It doesn't represent America, it is America!
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Mountain Hardware
Wrightwood, Ca.
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