Digital-Desert : Mojave Desert
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West Side Road:

Shorty Harris' Grave

photo of Shorty Harris and Jim Dayton grave in Death Valley
Dubious character and beloved gold hunter Shorty (Frank) Harris, before dying at age 78, asked that he be buried next to his friend Jim Dayton in Death Valley. He requested that the following epitaph be placed on his headstone;

Here lies Shorty Harris, a single blanket jackass prospector - 1856 - 1934

Also on the marker is written - To these trailmakers, whose courage matched the dangers of the land, this bit of Earth is dedicated forever.

Jim Dayton had died in 1898 of exposure enroute to buy supplies. He was buried where he was found.

photo of Jim Dayton's grave.
This shot was made before Shorty passed away when it was just Jim's grave. The bones are from Jim's mules who died with him as they were still attached to the wagon Jim was driving.

Interesting to note thast these two men are buried deeper than anyone else--Shorty would have liked that.

Shorty (Frank) Harris - (1860-1934)

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Abraxas Engineering
These items are historical in scope and are intended for educational purposes only; they are not meant as an aid for travel planning.
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