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Lucerne Valley

Gobar's Dairy

Photo October 2006
Gobar's Dairy and Ranch, Lucerne Valley, Ca.

Gobar's Dairy in Lucerne Valley, CA, was a well-known family-run farm that operated during much of the mid-20th century. It served the local community, providing fresh milk and other dairy products. Back then, Lucerne Valley had a more agricultural focus, and dairies like Gobar's were a key part of daily life for residents. Fresh, locally sourced milk was highly valued.

Running a dairy in the dry desert environment was challenging. The farm had to manage its water supply carefully, as Lucerne Valley is an arid region. Wells and groundwater were vital for keeping the dairy's livestock happy, hydrated and healthy.

In addition to supplying milk locally, Gobar's Dairy may have provided products to nearby communities, possibly reaching Victorville or Barstow. Small local dairies were important back then, helping communities sustain themselves with locally produced goods, rather than relying on products transported from far away.

However, as the 20th century progressed, small dairies like Gobar's faced increasing competition from larger operations. Industrialization of the food industry and improved refrigeration and transport made it difficult for smaller farms to compete. Eventually, Gobar's Dairy, like many other small farms, faded as larger, corporate-owned dairies took over much of the market.

While the dairy is no longer in operation, it represents a piece of Lucerne Valley's history when agriculture, especially dairying, played a bigger role in the community's identity. Today, Lucerne Valley is more known for its desert landscape and rural charm.

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