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Death Valley National Park: Butte Valley:

Striped Butte

Striped Butte in Butte Valley Death Valley National Park
Striped Butte in Butte Valley, Death Valley National Park, is a striking geological feature that stands at 4,744 feet above sea level, rising roughly 700 feet above the valley floor. This butte is notable for its steeply tilted limestone beds, which belong to the Permian Anvil Spring Formation. Behind the butte, a significant fault marks a dramatic geological boundary, separating it from much older Precambrian Noonday and Johnnie Formation rocks--these are about half a billion years older than the Anvil Spring Formation. The result is a visually stunning contrast of layered rock formations that tell a story of immense geological time and shifting landscapes.

Noonday, and Johnnie Formation rocks

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