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Colorado River: Lake Mead:

Echo Bay

Salt mines now under Lake Mead waters in the Echo Bay area, as well as near former St. Thomas, were once mined by Indians. The miners, using stone tools, would chip a circular groove into the salt, forming a knob which they would break off and carry away for their use and for trading.

Echo Bay - Lake Mead - Colorado River
Echo Bay

In 1864, Anson Call journeyed down the Virgin River to the Echo Bay area. He followed Echo Wash for a few miles, then turned back to the Colorado, where he picked the site of Callville for the Mormon steamboat port.

In recent years, Moapa Valley ranchers have grazed their cattle in Echo Wash, near Bitter Springs, and in Bitter Springs Valley.

Echo Bay is near the old confluence of the Virgin and Colorado Rivers, where John Wesley Powell ended his 1869 journey. Armijo, Smith, Odgen, and others followed the Virgin River to the Colorado River, passing close to Echo Bay.

source - NPS
map of Lake Mead NRA
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