The Roy Rogers Show S2 E10
Author: Axotl
Trona Pinnacles
Colorado River Special
Self Made Man – S1E6
The Lady with the Blue Silk Umbrella S1E11
Cynthy’s Dream Dress S1E9
The Chivaree S1E7
The Little Bullfrog Nugget – S1E5
The best strike I ever made was in 1904 when I discovered the Rhyolite and Bullfrog district. I went into Boundary Canyon with five burros and plenty of grub, figuring to look over the country northeast from there. When I stopped at Keane Wonder Mine, Ed Cross was there waiting for his partner, Frank Howard, to bring some supplies from the inside. For some reason Howard had been delayed, and Cross was low on grub.
Half a Century Chasing Rainbows
By Frank “Shorty” Harris
as told to Phillip Johnston
Touring Topics: Magazine of the American Automobile Association of Southern California
October 1930
The Death Valley Kid — S1E3
How Death Valley Got Its Name — S1E1
Gold – Silver in Them Thar’ Hills!
A lost party, the Bennett, Arcane, and Wade families had taken a different route trying to traverse the mountain ranges. The Wade family, traveling behind the others, were the only ones to find their way out of (today’s) Death Valley with their wagons intact. The Bennett and Arcane families felt they could not continue after suffering terrible hardships. Two members left on foot and returned with food and supplies to rescue the others. Actually, only one party member died from starvation and lack of water and was buried there. Legend has it that as the party crested over the rim on their way out of that forbidden valley, Juliet Brier, a woman noted the following in her diary, “Goodbye Death Valley.” (NOTE: From Irving Stones book, “Men to Match My Mountains”
Gold – Silver in Them Thar’ Hills!
The naming of Death Valley, located in Eastern California, is a topic of interest and speculation. This vast desert valley, known for its extreme heat and arid conditions, has a name that evokes a sense of foreboding and danger.
Contrary to popular belief, the name “Death Valley” was not given due to the number of deaths occurring within its borders. In fact, the valley’s name can be traced back to a group of pioneers who experienced a challenging journey through this unforgiving landscape in the mid-19th century.
In 1849, a group of gold prospectors, known as the “Lost 49ers,” ventured into what is now Death Valley in search of riches. However, their journey quickly turned into a struggle for survival. Many groups perished along the way when facing scorching temperatures, lack of water, and hostile terrain.
The survivors of this ill-fated expedition gave the valley its name. As they emerged from the treacherous landscape, they reportedly looked back and proclaimed, “Goodbye, Death Valley!” This proclamation, filled with relief and gratitude for having survived the ordeal, stuck, and the name Death Valley became etched in history.
Over time, the name Death Valley symbolizes this unique geographical feature’s harsh and inhospitable nature. The valley’s extreme temperatures, with summer highs regularly exceeding 120 degrees Fahrenheit, make it one of the hottest places on Earth. Its arid conditions and sparse vegetation add to its desolate and foreboding reputation.
Despite its ominous name, Death Valley is not entirely devoid of life. Various species of plants and animals have adapted to the harsh conditions, carving out a fragile existence amidst the barren landscape. The valley also boasts stunning geological formations, such as the towering Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes and the iconic Badwater Basin, the lowest point in North America.
Death Valley National Park’s unique beauty and extreme environment attract visitors worldwide. The park offers opportunities for hiking, camping, and exploring the arid expanses. However, caution is always advised due to the valley’s harsh conditions and proper preparation.
In conclusion, the naming of Death Valley is rooted in the experiences of the pioneers who first traversed its challenging terrain. While the name may evoke a sense of danger and foreboding, it serves as a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the ability to adapt to even the harshest environments.