Stage Stops & Relay Stations

Stagecoach relay stations and accommodations were vital for the stagecoach travel system, especially during the 18th and 19th centuries. These stations were strategically located along stagecoach routes to ensure efficient travel and the well-being of passengers, horses, and drivers.

Relay Stations

Relay stations, also known as “staging posts” or “stage stops,” were positioned every 10 to 20 miles along the route. Their primary purpose was to provide fresh horses for the stagecoach, as they would be exhausted after traveling long distances. At these stations, tired horses were replaced with rested ones, ensuring the stagecoach could maintain a steady pace without long delays.

Key features of relay stations included:

  • Stables: For housing and caring for horses.
  • Feed and Water: Ample supplies of food and water for the horses.
  • Blacksmith Services: For shoeing horses and making necessary repairs to the stagecoach.
  • Shelter: Basic accommodations for passengers if they need a brief rest.


Beyond just relay stations, more substantial accommodations were often provided at larger intervals or significant points along the route. These accommodations varied widely, ranging from simple inns to more elaborate hotels, depending on the route’s location and prominence.

Key features of stagecoach accommodations included:

  • Sleeping Quarters: Rooms for passengers to rest overnight, often shared with other travelers.
  • Dining Facilities: Meals were provided, typically hearty and designed to sustain travelers for the next leg of their journey.
  • Lounge Areas: Common rooms where passengers could relax, socialize, and recover from the journey.
  • Washrooms: Basic facilities for washing up, although these were often quite rudimentary by modern standards.
  • Repair Services: Facilities to fix any damage to the stagecoach or passenger belongings.

The Experience

Traveling by stagecoach was often uncomfortable and tiring. Roads could be rough, and the constant need to change horses meant frequent stops. However, relay stations and accommodations provided necessary breaks and a chance for passengers to stretch their legs, eat, and rest. These stops were crucial for the safety and efficiency of the stagecoach system, making long-distance travel more manageable during this era.

Despite the hardships, stagecoach travel was an essential part of life, enabling communication, commerce, and transportation across vast distances before the advent of the railroad and the automobile.

Overview of Desert Stagecoach Lines Before Railroads

Before railroads revolutionized transportation, stagecoaches were a critical means of public transport across the desert regions. Here are some key stage lines and their operations:

  1. Goldfield Stage (1905): This stage provided transportation services in the Goldfield area.
  2. Applewhite’s Stage: This stage used a three-bench buggy to transport miners from Calico to town for business and lodging.
  3. Arizona Overland Mail (1866-1868): Initially, it was a weekly mail service from Camp Drum to Prescott, Arizona, which later became twice-weekly. It overcame significant challenges, including Indian troubles.
  4. Barnwell to Death Valley Route: A daily stage route from Barnwell to Manse, Nevada, that remained crucial for travelers and miners even after the completion of the Salt Lake Railroad.
  5. Barnwell to Searchlight Stage Line: Operated until 1906 when the Barnwell & Searchlight Railroad commenced.
  6. Black Canyon Stage Station: A stop for the Panamint Transportation Company along the Black Canyon route.
  7. Brooklyn Well: A stage stop on the Dale to Amboy route, providing necessary water and rest.
  8. Butterfield Overland Stage Company (1858-1860): A major mail route running from Missouri to California, passing through the Mojave Desert.
  9. Calico Stage Line (1): Operated between Daggett and Calico from 1885 to 1887 using a six-horse Concord Coach.
  10. Calico Stage Line (2): Provided twice-daily trips between Calico and Daggett with improved coaches and horses.
  11. California Southern Stage Line: Connected Calico with Barstow and San Bernardino.
  12. Cottonwood Stage Station: A notable station that was raided in 1875 by Cleovaro Chavez’s gang.
  13. Crackerjack Auto Transit Company (1907): Introduced auto-stage services between Silver Lake and Crackerjack.
  14. Daggett & Skidoo Stage Line: Operated through Black Canyon.
  15. Dale to Amboy Stage Line (1903-1916): Known as the Buckboard Stage, this line included lunch in its $5 fare.
  16. Death Valley Chug Line (1907): An auto-stage operated by “Alkali Bill” Brong, transporting passengers around Death Valley.
  17. Domingo Stage & Freight (1887): Ran from Providence to Fenner, primarily hauling ore.
  18. Goldstone-Los Angeles Auto Stage: Provided bi-weekly trips between Los Angeles and Goldstone.
  19. Harrison’s Calico Express Line (1882): Connected San Bernardino with Calico, taking a day and a half each way.
  20. Huntington Stage: The first public transport service between San Bernardino and Calico.
  21. Livingstone & Cahill Stage Line: Operated between Barstow, Daggett, and Calico.
  22. Mecham’s Panamint Stage (1874): Charged $30 for a one-way trip from San Bernardino to Panamint.
  23. Nipton & Searchlight Stage Line (1910): Transported passengers and freight between Searchlight and the railroad at Nipton.
  24. Orange Blossom Mining & Milling Company Stage Line (1908): Served the Orange Blossom mines and camp.
  25. Panamint Transportation Company (1873-1874): Ran from San Bernardino to Panamint City, a challenging and critical route for the time.
  26. Perew Auto Stage (1905): An innovative auto-stage line from Manvel to Searchlight.
  27. Pioneer Stage (1890s): Charged $2 for a 5-mile trip from Manvel into Vanderbilt.

These stagecoach lines were essential in connecting remote areas and facilitating commerce, mail delivery, and passenger transport before the widespread advent of railroads. They navigated rough terrain, faced threats from bandits, and dealt with challenging weather conditions to keep the region connected.

Butterfield Overland Stage Mail Route

The Butterfield Overland Mail Route was a historic transportation route in the mid-19th century that played a crucial role in connecting the eastern and western parts of the United States.

Butterfield Overland Stage Route
(Oxbow Route)

Here are some key points about the Butterfield Overland Mail Route:

  1. Establishment: The Butterfield Overland Mail Company was awarded a government contract in 1857 to establish and operate a stagecoach and mail route between St. Louis, Missouri, and San Francisco, California. The purpose of the route was to improve communication and transportation between the two coasts, especially in light of the California Gold Rush.
  2. Route: The route covered approximately 2,800 miles and passed through eight present-day states: Missouri, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, and Oregon. It traversed various terrains, including deserts, mountains, and plains.
  3. Frequency and Duration: The Butterfield Overland Mail Company operated its stagecoaches twice a week in each direction, and the journey took about 25 days to complete. This significantly improved travel time compared to other methods available at the time.
  4. Stations and Stops: The company established a series of stations along the route to facilitate the long and arduous journey, spaced about 20-30 miles apart. These stations provided fresh horses, food, and accommodations for passengers and drivers. Some of these stations eventually became important settlements in their own right.
  5. Challenges: The route faced numerous challenges, including harsh weather conditions, difficult terrain, and the threat of attacks from Native American tribes. The company had to implement security measures to protect passengers and mail.
  6. End of Operations: The Butterfield Overland Mail Route faced financial difficulties exacerbated by the onset of the Civil War. 1861, the service was suspended, and the stagecoaches and stations were abandoned. The route became less relevant as the transcontinental railroad was completed after the Civil War, offering faster and more reliable transportation.
  7. Legacy: While the Butterfield Overland Mail Route was relatively short-lived, its legacy persists. The route contributed to the United States’s westward expansion and shaped the development of communities along its path. Some old stations have been preserved as historic sites, and portions of the route have been designated the “Butterfield Overland Mail Route.”

The Butterfield Overland Mail Route remains an important chapter in the history of westward expansion and transportation in the United States during the mid-19th century.

  1. Butterfield Overland Mail (or Oxbow Route):
    • The Butterfield Overland Mail was a stagecoach and mail delivery service that operated from 1857 to 1861. It was a vital communication and transportation link between the eastern and western United States.
    • The route covered approximately 2,800 miles, connecting St. Louis, Missouri, and San Francisco, California. It passed through several states, including Missouri, Arkansas, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California.
    • The term “Oxbow” might not be directly associated with the Butterfield Overland Mail but could be a local or regional name for a section of the route or a specific location along the way.
  2. Overland Stage Route:
    • The Overland Stage Route, on the other hand, generally refers to the network of stagecoach routes that existed in the western United States during the 19th century. These routes were crucial for mail delivery, transportation of passengers, and freight.
    • The most famous of these stagecoach lines was the Butterfield Overland Mail, but there were other stage lines as well, such as the Central Overland California and Pikes Peak Express Company (C.O.C. & P.P.), which operated a route known as the “Pony Express.”