Cudahy Camp, Old Dutch Cleanser, and the Wonders of Last Chance Canyon

Cudahy Camp: A Glimpse into the Past

Nestled in the El Paso Mountains, Cudahy Camp is a historical landmark in the early 20th-century mining industry. From 1923 to 1947, this site was the primary source of pumice used to manufacture ‘Old Dutch Cleanser,’ a widely known cleaning product in the United States. At its peak, the camp employed 12 men who produced 100 tons of pumicite weekly. Today, visitors can explore the remnants of the camp, including concrete foundations and large hollowed-out rooms from the mining operations.

The Evolution of Old Dutch Cleanser

Old Dutch Cleanser’s journey began in 1905 when the Cudahy Packing Company, a meatpacking firm, developed the product to repurpose animal fat. The cleanser, made by combining soap with pumicite, quickly became a household staple due to its effectiveness. The brand’s logo, featuring a Dutch woman chasing dirt with a stick, symbolized cleanliness and helped the product gain widespread recognition.

In the 1920s and 1930s, Old Dutch Cleanser was heavily promoted through advertisements and civic events like “Clean-Up Week,” encouraging community participation in cleaning efforts. These campaigns solidified the product’s place in American homes and contributed to its lasting legacy.

Corporate Changes and Present-Day

In 1955, Purex acquired Old Dutch Cleanser from the Cudahy Packing Company. The brand changed hands again in 1985 when Greyhound Corporation’s Dial division purchased Purex. Despite these transitions, Old Dutch Cleanser remained a trusted cleaning product. It is manufactured by Lavo in Montreal and continues to uphold its reputation for quality (6/2024).

Last Chance Canyon: A Scenic and Historic Site

Last Chance Canyon, part of the El Paso Mountains, is a significant historical and natural site. It offers a unique glimpse into the area’s rich mining history, including the famous Burro Schmidt Tunnel. The canyon features a rugged landscape with geological formations, box canyons, and historical mining sites. This area was heavily mined from the 1890s through the 1920s, with various operations continuing into the late 20th century.

Visitors to Last Chance Canyon can explore the remains of mining camps, such as Bickel Camp and the Holly Ash Mine, alongside the Old Dutch Cleanser mining site. The canyon is also known for its beautiful scenery, including rock-walled sandy canyons and spectacular layered cliffs.

Cultural Significance and Enduring Legacy

Old Dutch Cleanser has significantly impacted American culture, from being featured in popular media to becoming part of civic traditions. Its memorable branding and consistent advertising have made it a recognizable name in household cleaning. The El Paso Mountains and Last Chance Canyon now serve as historical sites, offering a window into the past for those interested in industrial history and heritage.

For more details, you can visit the Old Dutch Cleanser history page and read about the Cudahy Camp and Last Chance Canyon online.
