Digital-Desert : Mojave Desert
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Desert Gazette Updates

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Water Trails of the Ceriso
By the end of the dry season the water trails of the Ceriso are worn to a white ribbon in the leaning grass, ...
Land of Little Rain ~ Mary Austin

Shoshone Land
It is true I have been in Shoshone Land, but before that, long before, I had seen it through the eyes of ...
Land of Little Rain ~ Mary Austin

Shoshone Map Tour
Interactive historic map of Shoshone, California. Near Death Valley.

Historic Roads & Trails
Pioneer trails, Indian paths, forgotten highways and byways.

Golden Canyon Geology
Interpretive virtual tour of Golden Canyon in Death Valley National Park

Hoover Dam Ecology
Desert plant and animal adaptations to the harsh conditions at Hoover Dam and Lake Mead.

Havasu National Wildlife Refuge
From desert bighorn sheep to the endangered southwestern willow flycatcher, birds and other animals at Havasu ...

Indexes by State Kingman, AZ
Kingman, Arizona, was founded in 1882, when Arizona was only Arizona Territory. Situated in ...

Wickenburg, AZ
Henry Wickenburg came to the area in search of gold. He was rewarded with ...

Big Dune
... is a 1.5 square mile complex star sand dune that reaches 2,731 feet above sea level.

Goldfield, NV
From 1903 to 1910, Goldfield was the largest city in Nevada.

Tonopah, NV
Along the thin line separating the Great Basin and Mojave Deserts.

Mojave Desert A-Z
Antelope Valley to Zion - A geographic mini-tour of the Mojave Desert

Lancaster California
Update to the City of Lancaster in the Antelope Valley

Trails of the Pioneers
Historic Roads and Trails in the Mojave Desert

Vasquez Rocks
One of Southern California's most famous geologic wonders.

The now ghost town of Ballarat had six saloons, 3 hotels, a post office, a school and no churches.

Charles Brown
... noted figure in Death Valley and Shoshone history.

Johnny Lang
The legend of Johnny Lang and the Lost Horse gold mine

Death Valley ghost town site.

Pack Rats
Desert woodrats page and photo update ...

Warm Springs
The waters of Warm Spring created an oasis that has long attracted ...

Owl Hole Spring
One of the most remote locations in Death Valley.

Oatman Arizona
After a few other names, Oatman was named in the posthumous honor of Olive Oatman, ...

Mystic Maze
Here, upon this land where you now stand, is the Topock Maze; indeed, a cultural site of ...

Mojave Desert Snakes
Added desert snakes list

Ibex Springs
The original Ibex Mine was opened in the 1880s, and ran for a few years. A very brief ...

Lost Lake
Updated - Springs will often form along faultlines because of the inconformity the fault ...

Lucerne Valley
Updates and adding to Lucerne Valley and vicinity pages.
    Lester Dale Mine
    On the north slopes of the San Bernardino mountain range overlooking the Johnson Valley is ...

    Yucca Rings
    Located near the Fry Mountains, this fenced Area of Critical Environmental Concern (ACEC) contains ...

    Blackhawk Landslide
    One day 17,000-20,000 years ago, for cause not known to us now, the mountain collapsed, crumbling ...

    Emerson Dry Lake
    Named for L. M. Emerson who owned a mill on the southwest edge of the ...

    Anderson Dry Lake
    Anderson Dry Lake on the western boundary of the area is used for casual riding for intermediate ...

    Galway Dry Lake
    A dry lake, 3 miles long located in the Upper Johnson Valley 5.5 miles southwest of Ludlow. ...

Death Valley Junction, CA
Minor update to Death Valley Junction page.

Lucerne Valley, CA
Minor updates to Lucerne Valley community model.

Ancestral Mojave River
A photo and map model of the Mojave River as it may have looked before the presence of man.

Wrightwood, Ca
Wrightwood Village interactive map and photo model (off-site link).

Las Vegas
Index to pages referencing Las Vegas and historical timeline.

OHV Areas
Places in the desert where you can ride your off-highway vehicle ...

Indian Wells Valley
The Indian Wells Valley is defined by four mountain ranges; the Sierra Nevada to the west, the Cosos to the ...

Robbers Roost
The bandits would hide in the arroyos, but keep watch from the high outcroppings for stagecoaches and rich travelers.

Walker Pass
First used by mountain man and explorer Joseph Walker to cross the Sierra Nevada from the San Joaquin Valley to the Mojave Desert.

Watchable Wildlife
Places you can go to increase the chance of seeing desert wildlife.

Mojave Desert Railroads & Railways
Expeditions looking along the 35th parallel for a potential rail route broke the trail for pioneers and gold hunters. Soon after the first transcontinental railway, another was built to the south terminating in Los Angeles.

Display Case Geology
A look at some of the rocks, minerals, crystals and ores found in the Mojave Desert

What's Wrong with Ewe?
The concept was great, a sheep that could kill coyotes. However, pulling it off was an entirely different matter.

Game Trails in the Antelope Valley
So, what happened to the Antelope in the Antelope Valley?

Shoshone Bob & the Magic Mesquite Elixir
Troublesome and desperate times called for troublesome and desperate refreshments ...

Mystery Solved
The sliding rocks of the Racetrack Playa in Death Valley National Park

Desert Megaphone
Eight-foot long megaphone-shaped object sits on top of a rocky hill, and no one knows why

Desert Wildflower Report
News and updates on wildflower blossoms in the Mojave Desert

Joshua Tree National Park
Generally updated - New interactive map. Photo re-edits and new photos. Links added to related pages and sections. Volcanic Fields
NEW - Natural histories of lava fields, flows and volcanoes, mostly in the southeastern Great Basin and some in the Mojave ...

Calico Ghost Town
UPDATED - Minor navigational restructuring and linking. Removal of outdated links.
(Ghost Towns)

NEW - Rats, and lots of them. Minor updates, life histories and additional animals added to other sections and pages throughout ...
(Wildlife, Desert Mammals)

Swarthout Family
NEW - The man who sold the present day Clyde Ranch to Almon Clyde was named George Swarthout, and he was more than a simple "settler." ...
(Mormon Pioneers)

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Country Life Realty
Wrightwood, Ca.
Mountain Hardware
Wrightwood, Ca.
Canyon Cartography
G.A. Mercantile

Grizzly Cafe
Family Dining

Abraxas Engineering
These items are historical in scope and are intended for educational purposes only; they are not meant as an aid for travel planning.
Copyright ©Walter Feller. 1995-2025 - All rights reserved.
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