Digital-Desert : Mojave Desert
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Weather Data
Geologic History
Changing Climates
Weathering & Erosion
Carbonate Rocks
Granitic Rocks
Volcanic Rocks
Stream Channels
Stream Terraces
The Mojave River
Sand Dunes
Human Impacts

Geology > Landforms & Erosional Processes

Granitic Rocks and Associated Landforms

Weathering and erosion in arid regions underlain by granitic bedrock produce unique characteristic landforms. Spheroidal weathering is a form of chemical weathering in which concentric shells of decayed rock (ranging from a few millimeters to a couple meters) are successively loosened and separated from a block of rock. In the subsurface, groundwater penetrates along fractures and causes the chemical breakdown of rock along surfaces. Sharp corners at the intersection of fractures tend to break down first. In this manner, blocks of granitic bedrock (or other rocks that do not have layers or bedding) tend to become rounder as weathering proceeds. In humid regions, spheroidal weathering of granite typically occurs in the subsurface. In contrast, in arid regions the rate of chemical weathering is slow relative to the rate of surface erosion. As a result, in granitic terrains knob-shaped outcrops and spheroidal blocks accumulate on the surface. In the Mojave region, granite typically breaks down to form fairly uniform quartz- and feldspar-rich, coarse-sandy sediment compared to other rock types. In addition, many of the major pediment areas in the Mojave National Preserve have granitic bedrock. This is probably directly related to the more-or-less uniform weathering and erosion characteristics of large, homogeneous granitic intrusions.

Next > Volcanic Rocks
Teutonia Peak in the Mojave Preserve
Teutonia Peak in the Mojave Preserve

Also see

Rockpiles & Intrusions

Fractured granitic bedrock in  the Providence Mountains
NPS photo

Fractured granite bedrock is exposed along Globe Wash in the Providence Mountains.

Spheroidal weathering in the Granite Mountains
NPS photo

The characteristic rounded boulders and knob-shaped outcrops throughout the Granite Mountains formed as a result of spheroidal weathering and erosion of fractured granite.

Spheroidal weathering on Kessler Peak
NPS photo

Large granitic intrusions of Cretaceous age are the bedrock of Kessler Peak in the southern Ivanpah Mountains. A Joshua-tree forest blankets a pediment surface in the foreground. This view is along Cima Road east of the Teutonia Mine area.
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Wrightwood, Ca.
Mountain Hardware
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Canyon Cartography
G.A. Mercantile

Grizzly Cafe
Family Dining

Abraxas Engineering
These items are historical in scope and are intended for educational purposes only; they are not meant as an aid for travel planning.
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