Digital-Desert : Mojave Desert
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Erethizon dorsatum
Mostly nocturnal; among trees in mountains.

Panamint Chipmunk
Tamias panamintimus
Colorful squirrel; pinyon-juniper woodlands of Panamint and Grapevine Mountains; active nearly year-round.

White-tailed Antelope Squirrel
Ammospermophilus leucurus
Most common squirrel in park; from valley floor to over 6000 feet; adapted to hot weather, non-hibernating.

California Ground Squirrel
Spermophilus beechyi
Solitary or in small colonies; Hunter Mountain area of Cottonwood Mountains.

Round-tailed Ground Squirrel
Spermophilus tereticaudus
Common in low desert, mesquite thickets; may climb into bushes to escape heat; non-hibernating.

Mojave Ground Squirrel
Spermophilus mohavensis
Endemic to Mojave desert; low to mid-elevations; mainly solitary; burrow lacks mound of excavated dirt; hibernates more than half a year. A threatened species in California.

Botta's Pocket Gopher
Thomymus bottae
Pocket gophers rarely above ground for long; mainly nocturnal on surface; active year-round; below 5000 ft.

Pygmy Pocket gopher
Thomymus umbrinus oreocus
Leave fan-shaped mounds of dirt; higher elevations up 10,000 feet on surrounding mountains.

Panamint Pocket Gopher
Thomymus umbrinus scapterus
Panamint and Grapevine Mountains.

Great Basin Pocket Mouse
Perognathus parvus
Nocturnal; inactive in winter; pinyon-juniper woodlands.

Little Pocket Mouse
Perognathus longimembris
Nocturnal; likes areas of desert pavement; creosote bush to sagebrush.

Long-tailed Pocket Mouse
Chaetodipus formosus mohavensis
Nocturnal; rocky slopes and canyons; Grapevine Mountains.

Desert Pocket Mouse
Chaetodipus pencillatus
Nocturnal; open, sandy valley floor.

Chisel-toothed Kangaroo Rat
Dipodmys microps
Nocturnal; mid-elevation desert to sagebrush; sandy soil od rocky slopes with sparse vegetation.

Panamint Kangaroo Rat
Dipodmys Panamintinus
Nocturnal; mountains to 6000 to 7000 feet; pinyon-juniper to sage brush.

Merriam's Kangaroo Rat
Dipodmys merriami
Nocturnal; smallest of the kangaroo rats; sandy soil on valley floor.

Desert Kangaroo Rat
Dipodmys deserti
Nocturnal; largest kangaroo rat in park; white tip on tail; valley floor, especially around mesquite.

Western Harvest Mouse
Reithrodontomys megalotis
Dense vegetation near water; Salt Creek, Furnace Creek, Wildrose.

Cactus Mouse
Peromyscus eremicus
Nocturnal; low desert to mountains; rocky outcrops.

Canyon Mouse
Peromyscus crinitus
Nocturnal; rocky areas in canyons and mountains.

Deer Mouse
Peromyscus maniculatis
Nocturnal; common throughout park.

Brush Mouse
Peromyscus boylii
Nocturnal; good climber; brushy areas in mountains.

Pinyon Mouse
Peromyscus truei
Nocturnal; rocky areas in pinyon-juniper woodlands.

Southern Grasshopper Mouse
Onychomys torridus
Throughout park below 5000 feet; carnivorous; call is a shrill whistle.

Desert Woodrat
Neotoma lepida
Nocturnal; builds large "houses" of debris on ground or along cliffs.

Bushy-tailed Woodrat
Neotoma cinerea
Nocturnal; pinyon-juniper woodlands; gathers debris in rock crevices or under logs.

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These items are historical in scope and are intended for educational purposes only; they are not meant as an aid for travel planning.
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