Digital-Desert :
Mojave Desert
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Reptiles > Snakes Snakes Sharing the order Squamata with lizards, snakes are a legless scaly elongate reptile; some are venomous. Western Blind Snake Lepotyphus humilis Nocturnal; under rocks, among roots on brush covered slopes; from below sea level to 4000 feet. Rosy Boa Lichanura trivigata Mostly nocturnal; low foothills and canyons below 4500 feet; watered areas. Western Leaf-nosed Snake Phyllorhyncus decurtatus perkinsi Nocturnal; sandy and gravelly soil among creosote bush; rocky foothills. Western Coachwhip (Red Racer) Masticophis flagellum pices Common throughout park; often seen crossing roads; very fast and heat-tolerant; an agressive snake, will bite if disturbed. Striped Whipsnake Masticophis taeniatus Near water in Black Mountains and Cottonwood Mountains. Desert Patch-nosed Snake Salvadora hexalepis hexalepis Rocky and sandy areas from lower slopes and washes up to 6000 feet. Desert Glossy Snake Arizona elegans eburnata Nocturnal; sandy or grassy areas at low elevations. Great Basin Gopher Snake Pituophis catenifer deserticola From rock-strewn desert foothills into mountains; good climber. California Kingsnake Lampropeltis getula californiae Panamint and Grapevine Mountains; nocturnal in hot weather. Western Long-nosed Snake Rhinocheilus lecontei lecontei Nocturnal; mid-elevations of park Western Ground Snake Sonora semiannulata Nocturnal and secretive; sandy or fine gravel to over 4000 feet. Mojave Shovel-nosed Snake Chionactus occipitalis occipitalis Nocturnal; sandy areas of the low desert; sage flats. Southwestern Black-headed Snake Tantilla hobartsmithi Nocturnal; Panamint Mountains. California Lyre Snake Trimorphodon biscutatus vandenburghi Nocturnal; rocky areas; sea level to over 4000 ft. Desert Night Snake Hysiglena torquata Nocturnal; many habitats from below sea level to over 5000 ft. Panamint Rattlesnake Crotalus mitchelli stephensi Rocky areas in foothills and mountains; venomous. Mojave Desert Sidewinder Crotalus cerates cerates Nocturnal and common; mesquite hummocks and sand dunes; from below sea level to 4500 feet; venomous. |
Also see:DEATH VALLEYMammalsReptilesAmphibiansFish |
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Country Life Realty Wrightwood, Ca. |
Mountain Hardware Wrightwood, Ca. |
Canyon Cartography |
G.A. Mercantile |
Grizzly Cafe Family Dining |
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