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DEATH VALLEY WILDLIFE > Reptiles > Lizards


Desert Banded Gecko
Coleonyx variegatus variegatus
Nocturnal; rocky areas, creosote bush flats; valley floor to 3500 feet.

Desert Iguana
Dipsosaurus dorsalis
In hummocks of mesquite and creosote bush in areas of fine, sandy soil; up to 3000 feet; very heat tolerant.

Sauromalus ater
Areas of rocks and boulders on alluvial fans and in canyons; throughout Death Valley up to 5000 ft.

Zebra-tailed Lizard
Callisaurus draconides
Open areas in desert; near sand dunes and washes; on roads in morning; runs at great speeed with tail curved forward.

Mojave Fringe-toed Lizard
Uma scoparia
Ibex Dunes; may dive into loose sand when frightened.

Collared Lizard
Crotaphytus collaris
Areas of boulders for basking and open areas for hunting; from 1000 to 5000 feet.

Leopard Lizard
Gambelia wislizenii
Valley floor to 3600 feet on alluvial fans, in canyons and washes with scattered vegetation.

Desert Spiny Lizard
Sceloporus magister magister
Rocky slopes and canyons around vegetation from 3500 to 7000 feet; a good climber.

Great Basin Fence Lizard
Sceloporus occidentalis biseriatus
Rocky areas in most elevations except low desert; rock outcrops, canyons, near springs.

Sagebrush Lizard
Sceloporus graciosus
Sagebrush through pinyon-juniper woodlands to 10,500 feet.

Side-blotched Lizard
Uta stansburiana
Most commonly seen lizard in park; throughout park below 5000 feet in gravelly areas; active on warm days all year.

Western Brush Lizard
Urosaurus graciousus graciousus
Low desert in and around creosote bush and mesquite; lies camouflaged on branch or exposed roots.

Desert Night Lizard
Xantusia vigilis vigilis
Under debris of yuccas; sagebrush zone of Panamint Mountains; most active in daytime but secretive and rarely seen.

Great Basin Whiptail Lizard
Cnemidophorus tigris tigris
Sandy areas with sparce vegetation; rocky areas of upper washes; from below sea level to 5000 feet.

Panamint Alligator Lizard
Elegra panamintina
Panamint and Grapevine Mountains above 3500 feet; talus slopes; thickets of wild grapevines near watered areas.

A chuckwalla basks in the sun

A wary Mojave fringe-toed lizard

Side-blotched lizard takes some 'me' time

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