Digital-Desert : Mojave Desert
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Mojave Desert Geology

Geology is the study of the history of the physical development of the earth's structure, content, and life by applying the natural sciences to the physical formations found inside and on the planet's surface.

Mojave geology is the topology, terrain, landforms, and features that make up the stage on which the desert drama unfolds. It is determined by the size, shape, and location of things, as well as the sparse nature of other necessities for living and sustaining health. -w

Natural Features & Formations

Geologically, a formation is a natural body of earth, such as an outcrop or deposit with distinctive and characteristic properties allowing ...

Introduction to Desert Geology

Since the Precambrian Era, the Mojave Desert has experienced many different phases over almost incomprehensible ...

Rock Classification

How rocks are classified ...

Rocks, Minerals, Crystals & Ores

A tour of a few ore houses ...

Land Formation & Erosion

Discussions of landform development applicable to the desert in general as well as the Mojave National Preserve. ...

Mesozoic Rocks

Ancestral Mojave River

Map and photo model of the Mojave River and lake system as it appears (and may have appeared) in prehistoric times before the arrival of man.

Desert Water Sources

Rivers, creeks, springs & waterholes

East Mojave Desert

Death Valley

    Death Valley Regional Geology

    Regional geology field trip guide. ...

    Death Valley Geology Features

    The landscape is so varied and extreme, one cannot help to wonder what events have taken place to create such an ...

    Golden Canyon Geology

    Death Valley's Golden Canyon preserves geologic stories steeped in change. Like pages in a book, its rocks tell tales of ancient times when a ...

    Alluvial Fans

    Rising almost halfway up the steep mountain front of the Panamints are great aprons of rocky debris that spread out toward ...

    Walk Through Time

    The sample rocks in this tour are only "some" of the major geologic formations in the Death Valley area. Displayed in order from oldest to youngest, they show evidence of the ...

Joshua Tree National Park:

    Geology of Joshua Tree NP

    Arch Rock Geology

    Geologists study the origin, history, and structure of the Earth and have been coming to this area for a long time wondering about these ...

    Rockpiles & Intrusions

    Geologists believe the face of our modern landscape was born more than 100 million years ago. Molten liquid, heated by the continuous movement of the ...

    Geology Tour Road

    The face of the earth at any time represents only a fleeting moment in a very long history. Major changes are going on all around ...

Other Places:

    Cajon Pass

    Mono Lake

    For the last three to four million years the whole basin has been tilting westward and sinking while ...

    Red Rock Canyon NCA, Las Vegas, NV.

    For much of the past 600 million years, the land that is now Red Rock Canyon NCA was the bottom of a deep ocean basin and the ...

    Red Rock Canyon, California State Park

    Layers of red and white sediments, creating the accordion-like folds in the cliff faces, are capped with a harder, more resistant ...

    Vasquez Rocks

    Compressed, folded and tilted as much as 50 degrees, and up to nearly 150 feet high, erosion gradually ...

    Yosemite Geology

    Yosemite is a glaciated landscape, and the scenery that resulted from the interaction of the glaciers and the underlying rocks was ...

    Geology of the Grand Canyon

    The exposed geologic strata - layer upon layer from the basement Vishnu schist to the capping Kaibab limestone - rise over a mile above ...

    Zion National Park Geology

    The rock layers have been uplifted, tilted, and eroded, forming a feature called the Grand Staircase, a series of colorful ...

    Blackhawk Landslide

    Spreading two miles wide and five miles long the totality of the event lasted ...

    Hercules Finger

    A 60 foot tall granite monolith on the southern end of the Ord Mountains in the ...

Geology Book Store

Geomorphic Provinces

California's geomorphic provinces are naturally defined geologic regions that ...

Earthquakes & Faults

  • San Andreas Fault

    Summary of the earthquake fault shaping the southern boundary of the Mojave Desert.

  • Garlock Fault

    The Garlock Fault is the defining fault between the Mojave Desert and

Volcanic Fields

Information on volcanic fields from Mono Lake south to Lavic Lake in the Mojave Desert.


The scientific study of prehistoric plants and animals in their geologic context.

Alluvial material in dry wash

Dry Lake - Playa

Desert Varnish

Geology of Sand Dunes

Ancient Lacustrine Shorelines
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Country Life Realty
Wrightwood, Ca.
Mountain Hardware
Wrightwood, Ca.
Canyon Cartography
G.A. Mercantile

Grizzly Cafe
Family Dining

Abraxas Engineering
These items are historical in scope and are intended for educational purposes only; they are not meant as an aid for travel planning.
Copyright ©Walter Feller. 1995-2025 - All rights reserved.