Digital-Desert : Mojave Desert
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Geology - Natural Features and Formations

The Geology of Sand Dunes


While one-quarter to one-third of the world's deserts are covered with sand, little research has taken place in ergs ...

The Nature of Sand

Sand is defined by its size, although exact quantitative ranges vary with author. ...

Wind-induced Sand Movement

Individual sand grains are moved under the force of the wind in two distinct ways: saltation and surface creep. ...

Sand Accumulation

Two primary factors are necessary for the accumulation of sand into sand sheets and dunes: ...

Small-scale Sand Accumulation Features

Once sand grains have accumulated into relatively large sandy patches, small-scale geomorphic features will often ...

Large-scale Sand Accumulation Features

According to Bagnold (1941), certain conditions must be met for flat sandy areas to build up into true dunes.

Adapted from:
John Mangimeli
White Sands National Monument (NPS)

picture of Cadiz Dunes--geology of sand dunes
Cadiz Dunes Wilderness
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Abraxas Engineering
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