Digital-Desert : Mojave Desert
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Wilderness - Old Woman Mountains >> Map #25

Old Woman Mountains Wilderness

SIZE: 146,020 acres

LOCATION: San Bernardino County; 35 miles southwest of Needles, California

NATURAL RESOURCES: Taking its name from a granite rock monolith that resembles the figure of an old woman, the massive Old Woman Mountain range dominates the wilderness. Topography ranges from 800 at the lower elevations and rises more than 5,300 to the summit of Old Woman Peak. Creosote bush scrub covers the lower elevations, mixing with desert scrub at the middle elevations, while at the highest elevations grows a juniper-pinyon woodland. Bighorn sheep and desert tortoise live here, and the rocky outcrops and rugged peaks of the range provide homes for numerous raptors. The Old Woman Mountains have long been used by man. Traces of prehistoric trails and historic mining routes entice the experienced desert hiker. Be prepared for dry walks across extensive bajadas and up long, sandy washes. Do not depend on mapped springs for water, and remember to carry one gallon of water per person per day.

GLOSSARY > bajada, spring, wash

ACCESS: Access to this wilderness requires four-wheel drive vehicles. From Essex, California on Route 66, take the graveled and sandy Sunflower Road southeast for 7 miles. This road, for the most part, constitutes the northeastern boundary for the area.

Geomorphic Province : Mojave Desert
Ecosection : Mojave Desert
Ecosubsection : Providence Mountains - Lanfair Valley

Native Culture : Mohave, Chemehuevi

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