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Bighorn Sheep

Ovis canadensis

Family: Bovidae
Order: Artiodactyla
Class: Mammalia

Distribution and Subspecies

Bighorn sheep are relatively rare in California, and three subspecies are represented:

California Bighorn Sheep (O. c. californiana): Inhabit the southern Sierra Nevada; herds, such as the Mt. Baxter and Mt. Williamson groups, are used for reintroduction stock in other locations.

Peninsular Bighorn Sheep (O. c. cremnobates): Occur in the Peninsular Ranges, from Riverside County south into Mexico.

Nelson Bighorn Sheep (O. c. nelsoni): Desert bighorns inhabit desert mountain ranges from Mono County to the Mexican border, including isolated populations in the San Gabriel Mountains.


They can be found in these diverse habitats:
  • Alpine and subalpine shrublands
  • Sagebrush and chaparral
  • Pinyon-juniper woodlands
  • Desert riparian and succulent shrub areas
  • Preferred habitats combine open spaces for feeding, steep terrain that provides safety, and proximity to water.

    Specific Habitat Needs


    Bighorn sheep graze on grasses, forbs, and browse, especially in arid habitats. Mineral licks may be crucial for nutrition for some populations.


    Steep, rocky terrain provides cover from predators and is used as a bedding area.


    Lambing occurs on steep slopes and in canyons to reduce predation.


    In arid environments, water sources, such as springs, depressions, or man-made structures, are critical.
  • Behavior and Life History
  • Activity Patterns
  • Desert bighorns are active all year, mostly during the daytime. They do less during the hot midday hours, especially in summer.

    Seasonal Movements

    Desert bighorns move between summer mountain areas and winter canyon areas, staying close to water when it is hot.

    Home Range

    Their ranges include summer and winter homes and the paths between them. Desert sheep usually have smaller ranges in summer because they need water.


  • Mating: Polygamous, with seasonal peaks depending on the subspecies.
  • Lambing: Mostly April-June in montane populations; January-April for desert populations.
  • Maturity: Ewes breed at 2.5 years (earlier in good conditions); rams mature at the same age but usually mate later due to competition.

    Threats and Conservation Status

    Highly susceptible to diseases such as pneumonia, frequently brought in by domestic livestock, which can decimate populations. Competition
    Feral ungulates and domestic livestock compete with bighorns for water and forage, risking bighorn survival. Predation
    Small populations, especially new transplants, are vulnerable to predation. Habitat Loss
    Loss of critical habitats, such as feeding, lambing, or escape terrain, would seriously jeopardize the stability of a population.

    By knowing these needs and threats, conservation can be more specifically designed to assist bighorn sheep populations better.


  • Bighorn Sheep

    Bighorn Sheep (Ovis Canadensis) are beautiful and majestic creatures, with rams having large brown horns curling around, under and forward. They are typically found in the higher elevations near water sources or rocky cliff areas. They eat grasses and other plants. Bighorn Sheep have hooves adapted to steep, rocky terrain and use their climbing abilities to escape predators.

    More about Bighorn Sheep

    Weight: 115-280 lbs.
    Length with tail: 50-62"
    Shoulder Height: 32-40"
    Sexual Maturity: 2 years
    Mating Season: Nov.-Dec.
    Gestation Period: 180 days
    No. of Young: 1-2
    Birth Interval: 1 year
    Lifespan: Bighorns can live 10 to 15 years
    Typical diet: mainly grasses, sedges and forbs.

    The Desert Food Chain *
    Everything has its niche. Who eats what, and what eats who in the desert?
    Click here to find out what more.

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