Digital-Desert : Mojave Desert
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History of Soda Springs & Zzyzx

1944 - 1974 -- Zzyzx Mineral Springs

Photo of fountain in the middle of Lake Tuendae at Zzyzx

Just before the end of World War II, Evangelist Dr. Curtis H. Springer, who operated a mission for the down-and-out in Los Angeles, filed a series of mining claims on public lands at Soda Springs. Here in the desert, at what they once described as "a mosquito-filled swamp," he and his soon-to-be wife, Helen LeGerda, created Zzyzx Mineral Springs, a religion-oriented health resort.

Over the next 30 years, the Springers modified the natural springs and constructed numerous buildings on the site. Rows of tamarisk and California fan palm trees. were planted, Zzyzx Road upgraded, and ponds excavated. Soda Station was rebuilt from its ruins, and later used as part of a larger building which still stands.

Springer had great plans for the 12,800 acres of barren desert land between the oasis and what is now Interstate 15 A mobile home park was to be built in addition to other improvements. There was just one problem with Dr. Springer's plans: the land did not belong to him.

The validity of Springer's "mining claims" were evntually challenged in court by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). The Springers lost their claim and were evicted from the property in 1974, which ended Zzyzx Mineral Springs.

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1776 - 1830 -- Early Explorers
1830 - 1860 -- Pioneers & Settlers
1860 - 1870 -- Army Outpost
1870 - 1905 -- Soda Station
1905 - 1916 -- The Soda Works
1916 - 1944 -- Abandonment
1944 - 1974 -- Zzyzx Mineral Springs
1974 - Present -- The DSC

Zzyzx dinner sign

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These items are historical in scope and are intended for educational purposes only; they are not meant as an aid for travel planning.
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