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History of Soda Springs & Zzyzx

1974 - Today -- Desert Studies Center

Desert Studies Center, Zzyzx
After the Zzyzx era, increased public awareness encouraged the Bureau of Land Management to protect the memories of Zzyzx and the natural and cultural resources of Soda Springs. A plan was developed to manage the site so that these unique resources could be studied and appreciated, yet protected from abuse and vandalism.

That plan led to the establishment of the Desert Studies Center at Soda Springs in 1976. The BLM and a consortium of California State University campuses manage the site as a field station, classroom and research facility.

Students, teachers and scientists stay here temporarily to conduct studies and then share the knowledge they gain about desert flora, fauna and habitats. Indoor and outdoor laboratories are available.

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1776 - 1830 -- Early Explorers
1830 - 1860 -- Pioneers & Settlers
1860 - 1870 -- Army Outpost
1870 - 1905 -- Soda Station
1905 - 1916 -- The Soda Works
1916 - 1944 -- Abandonment
1944 - 1974 -- Zzyzx Mineral Springs
1974 - Present -- The DSC

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These items are historical in scope and are intended for educational purposes only; they are not meant as an aid for travel planning.
Copyright ©Walter Feller. 1995-2025 - All rights reserved.