Digital-Desert : Mojave Desert
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California State Park: Mojave Preserve

Mitchell Caverns

Mitchell Caverns, located in the heart of the Providence Mountains State Recreation Area, is a popular tourist attraction. The park is 60 miles west of Needles on Interstate 40. Spectacular and intricate limestone formations found include; stalagmites, stalactites, helictites, lily pads, draperies, curtains and cave popcorn. First opened by Jack Mitchell in 1932, the caverns were purchased by the State in 1954. They are the only limestone caverns in the State Park System.

Located at an elevation of 4,300 ft, temperatures usually remain moderate throughout the year.

Also see:


Formation of Mitchell Caverns
... like most limestone caves in other parts of the world, seem to have had a ...

Jack Mitchell
Developer of the Mitchell Caverns ...

Mitchell Caverns Gallery
Located in the heart of the Providence Mountains State Recreation Area at an elevation of 4,300 feet are the Mitchell Caverns. ...

Mojave Geomorphic Province
Mojave Desert Ecosection
  • Providence Mountains - Lanfair Valley

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