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Goodsprings, Nevada

Yellow Pine Mill Site - 1898 - 1910

The Yellow Pine Mining Company was a big deal in the history of Goodsprings, Nevada. It got started in the early 1900s, around 1906, and became one of the most important mining companies in the area. The company was named after the Yellow Pine Mining District, which included Goodsprings and some other nearby towns.

The Yellow Pine Mining Company focused on digging up valuable minerals like lead and zinc from the ground. These minerals were important for making all kinds of products, so the company's success really helped the town of Goodsprings grow. By 1910, they even built a large smelter near Goodsprings, which is a place where they could process the ore they mined to get the pure metals out of it.

The company operated several important mines, including the Yellow Pine Mine, which became one of Nevada's top producers of lead. Because of the company's success, many people moved to Goodsprings to work in the mines or start businesses to support the miners. This made Goodsprings a bustling town during that time.

A key person involved with the Yellow Pine Mining Company was George Fayle. He was a businessman who owned other places in Goodsprings, like the general store and the Pioneer Saloon. He was very involved in the company and helped the town grow by supporting the mining industry.

The company was very successful through the 1920s, but as time went on, they faced problems like lower metal prices and running out of easy-to-reach ore. By the mid-1900s, most of the mining operations had stopped.

Even though the Yellow Pine Mining Company eventually declined, it played a big part in shaping the history of Goodsprings. The company's influence is still visible today in the old buildings that remain and the stories of the miners who worked there.

Pioneer Saloon

Carole Lombard Room

Post Office

General Store

Community Church

Campbell Stone Cabin

Community Club

Yellow Pine Mill Site

Mt. Potosi

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