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Selected References On the Geology and Surface
Processes of the Mojave National Preserve Region

Source - USGS

A cursory search on the GeoRef literature database in July, 2003 yielded over 3,000 citations (including over 150 websites); most of these references are technical reports or conference meeting abstracts. The reference list below includes sources used in this report, and selected references that the writer found most useful in gathering background information for this website. Many of the recent articles cited below (particularly from GSA Special Paper 368) have rich reference lists that point to primary reference sources and methodologies used in Quaternary dating methods and field data collection.


Anderson, D.E. and Wells, S.G., 2003, Latest Pleistocene lake highstands in Death Valley, California: In Paleoenvironments and paleohydrology of the Mojave and southern Great Basin deserts: Enzel, Y., Wells, S.G., and Lancaster, N., (eds.): Geological Society of America Special Paper 368, p. 115-128.

Bishop, C.C., 1963, Geologic map of California: Needles sheet: California Division of Mines and Geology, scale 1:250000.

Bortugno, E.J. and Spittler, T.E., 1986, Geologic map of the San Bernardino quadrangle, California: California Division of Mines and Geology, Regional Geologic Map 3A, scale 1:250000.

Blackwelder, E., 1954, Pleistocene lakes and drainage in the Mojave region, southern California: California Department of Natural Resources Bulletin 170, Chapter 5, Part D, p. 35-40.

Brussard, P.F., Dobkin, D.S., 2003, Great Basin--Mojave Desert Region.

Clark, W.B., 1970, Gold Districts in California: California Division of Mines and Geology Bulletin 193, p. 153.

Cox, B.F., Hillhouse, J.W., and Owen, L.A., 2003, Pliocene and Pleistocene evolution of the Mojave River, and associated tectonic development of the Transverse Ranges and Mojave Desert, based on borehole stratigraphy studies and mapping of landforms and sediments near Victorville, California: In Paleoenvironments and paleohydrology of the Mojave and southern Great Basin deserts: Enzel, Y., Wells, S.G., and Lancaster, N., (eds.): Geological Society of America Special Paper 368, p. 1- 42.

Dohrenwend, J.C., Wells, S.G., Turrin, B.D., and McFadden, L.D., 1984, Rates and trends of late Cenozoic landscape degradation in the area of the Cima volcanic field, Mojave Desert, California, in, Surficial Geology of the Eastern Mojave Desert, California: Dohrenwend, J.C. (ed.),Geological Society of America, 1984 Annual Meeting, Field Trip 14 Guidebook, p. 101-115.

Dohrenwend, J.C., Wells, S.G., Turrin, B.D., and McFadden, L.D., 1986, Degradation of Quaternary cinder cones in the Cima volcanic field, Mojave Desert, California: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 97, no.4, p. 421-427.

Enzel, Y., Wells, S.G., and Lancaster, N., 2003, Late Pleistocene lakes along the Mojave River, southeast California: In Paleoenvironments and paleohydrology of the Mojave and southern Great Basin deserts: Enzel, Y., Wells, S.G., and Lancaster, N., (eds.): Geological Society of America Special Paper 368, p. 61-78.

Enzel, Y., Wells, S.G., and Lancaster, N., 2003, Paleoenvironments and paleohydrology of the Mojave and southern Great Basin deserts: Geological Society of America Special Paper 368, 250 p.

Goldfarb, R.J., Miller, D.M., Simpson, R.W., and Hoover, D.B., 1988, Mineral Resources of the Providence Mountains Wilderness Study Area, San Bernardino County, California: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1712D, 70 p., map scale 1:62,500.

Harvey, A.M. and Wells, S.G., 2003, Late Quaternary variations in alluvial fan sedimentologic and geomorphic processes, Soda Lake basin, eastern Mojave Desert, California: In Paleoenvironments and paleohydrology of the Mojave and southern Great Basin deserts: Enzel, Y., Wells, S.G., and Lancaster, N., (eds.): Geological Society of America Special Paper 368, p. 207-230.

Heizer, R.F. and Whipple, M.A., 1971, The California Indians, 2nd Edition: Berkeley, Ca: University of California Press.

Hewitt, D.F., 1956, Geology and mineral resources of the Ivanpah quadrangle, California and Nevada: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 275, 172 p.

Jefferson, G.T., 2003, Stratigraphy and paleontology of the middle to late Pleistocene Manix Formation, and paleoenvironments of the central Mojave River, southern California: In Paleoenvironments and paleohydrology of the Mojave and southern Great Basin deserts: Enzel, Y., Wells, S.G., and Lancaster, N., (eds.): Geological Society of America Special Paper 368, p.43-60.

Jennings, C.W., 1961, Geologic map of California: Kingman sheet: California Division of Mines and Geology, scale 1:250000.

Jennings, C.W., Burnett, J.L., and Troxel, B.W., 1962, Geologic map of California: Trona sheet: California Division of Mines and Geology, scale 1:250000.

Lancaster, N. and Tchakerian, V.P., 2003, Late Quaternary eolian dynamics, Mojave Desert, California: In Paleoenvironments and paleohydrology of the Mojave and southern Great Basin deserts: Enzel, Y., Wells, S.G., and Lancaster, N., (eds.): Geological Society of America Special Paper 368, p. 231-249.

McDonald, E.V., McFadden, L.D., and Wells, S.G., 2003, Regional response of alluvial fans to the Pleistocene-Holocene climatic transition, Mojave Desert, California: In Paleoenvironments and paleohydrology of the Mojave and southern Great Basin deserts: Enzel, Y., Wells, S.G., and Lancaster, N., (eds.): Geological Society of America Special Paper 368, p. 189-205.

Meek, N., 1989, Geomorphic and hydrologic implications of the rapid incision of Afton Canyon, Mojave Desert: Geology, v. 17, p. 7-10.

Miller, D.M., Glick, L.L., Goldfarb, R.J., Simpson, R.W., Hoover, D. B., Detra, D.E., Dohwenwend, J.C., and Munts, S.R., 1985, Mineral resource potential map of the South Providence Mountains Wilderness Study Area, San Bernardino County, California: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF-1780-A, 29 p.

Miller, D.M., and Wooden, J.L., 1993, Geologic map of the New York Mountains area, California and Nevada: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 91-198, 10 p., scale 1:50,000.

Miller, D.M., Miller, R.J., Nielson, J.E., Wilshire, H.G., Howard, K.A., Stone, P. 1991. Preliminary geologic map of the East Mojave National Scenic Area: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 91-435, scale 1:100,000.

Moratto, M.J., 1984, California Archaeology: Orlando: Academic Press, Inc.

National Park Service, 2001. National Historic Trail Feasibility Study and Environmental Assessment, Old Spanish Trail: U.S. Dept. of Interior, National Park Service, 151 p.

National Park Service, 1998, The Old Spanish Trail: National Historical Trail Feasibility Study Newsletter 1 (February 1998), 3 p. <https://www.nps.gov/planning/swso/news1.pdf>

Neal, J.T and Motts, 1967, Recent geomorphic changes in playas of the western United States: Journal of Geology, v. 75, no. 5, p. 511-525. (Reprinted in Playas and Dried Lakes, Neal, J.T., (ed.), (Benchmark Papers in Geology, v. 20): Dowden, Hutchinson & Ross, 1974.)

Reynolds, R.E., (ed.), 1994, Off Limits in the Mojave Desert: Field Trip Guidebook and Volume For the 1994 Mojave Desert Quaternary Research Center Field Trip to Fort Irwin and Surrounding Areas: San Bernardino County Museum Special Publication 94-1, 100 p.

Reynolds, R.E., (compiler), 1985, Cajon Pass to Manix Lake: Geologic Investigations along Interstate 15: San Bernardino County Museum, 191 p.

Reynolds, R.E. and Reynolds, J., (eds.), 1995, Ancient Surfaces of the East Mojave Desert: San Bernardino County Museum Association Quarterly, v. 42, no. 3, 160 p.

Reynolds, R..E., Wells, S.G., and Brady, R.H., III, (compilers), 1990, At the End of the Mojave: Quaternary Studies in the Eastern Mojave Desert: San Bernardino County Museum Association Special Publication, 134 p.

Sharp, R.P., 1954, The nature of Cima Dome: In Jahns, R.H. (ed.), Geology of southern California, [Part 8], v. 68, no. 3, p. 49-52.

Sharp, R.P., 1982, Kelso Dunes: In Geologic excursions in the California desert, Cooper, J.D. (ed.), Boulder, CO: Geological Society of America, p. 83-87

Tchakerian, V.P. and Lancaster, N., 2002, Late Quaternary arid/humid cycles in the Mojave Desert and western Great Basin of North America: Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 21, no. 7, p. 799-810.

Theodore, T.G., (ed.), 2003, Geology and mineral resources of the East Mojave National Scenic Area: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 2160, 279 p.

Thompson, D.G., 1929, The Mojave Desert Region, California: A Geographic, Geologic, and Hydrologic Reconnaissance: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 578, p. 559-568. (Excerpted version reprinted under the title "Soda Lake and Silver Lake" in Playas and Dried Lakes, Neal, J.T., (ed.), (Benchmark Papers in Geology, v. 20): Dowden, Hutchinson & Ross, 1974.)

Thompson, R.S., 1998, A Strategy for Assessing Potential Future Changes in Climate, Hydrology, and Vegetation in the Western United States: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1153, 20 p.

U.S. Geological Survey, 1991, Evaluation of Metallic Mineral Resources and Their Geologic Controls in the East Mojave National Scenic Area, San Bernardino County, California: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 91-427, 278 p., (with six map plates).

Wells, S.G., Brown, W.J., Enzel, Y., Anderson, R.Y., and McFadden, L.D., 2003, Late Quaternary geology and paleohydrology of pluvial Lake Mojave, southern California: In Paleoenvironments and paleohydrology of the Mojave and southern Great Basin deserts: Enzel, Y., Wells, S.G., and Lancaster, N., (eds.): Geological Society of America Special Paper 368, p.79-114.

Wells, S.G., Anderson, R.Y., McFadden, L.D., Brown, W.J., Enzel, Y., and Miossec, J.L., 1989, Late Quaternary paleohydrology of the Eastern Mojave River drainage, southern California: quantitative assessment of the Late Quaternary hydrologic cycle in large arid watersheds.

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