Digital-Desert : Mojave Desert
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OST/Salt Lake Road - Springs & Oases

Resting Springs

Photo of Resting Springs, near Tecopa, on the Old Spanish Trail

Philander (Phi) Lee - Resting Spring - c.1890

Resting Springs Range Wilderness

Resting Springs Range, Mojave Desert Wilderness.

Camp Resting Springs - Mojave Desert

Camp Resting Springs. Located five miles east of present Tecopa, San Bernardino County, this desert outpost was intermittently occupied during 1859- 60 by ...

Old Spanish Trail

En route, Manuelita Renaga gave birth at Resting Springs on the Old Spanish Trail. These eight individuals became the first settlers in the San Bernardino area.

Pahrump, Nevada

Black Mountains, Greenwater Range, Resting Spring Range, and Nopah Range between Death Valley and the Amargosa Desert and Pahrump Valley.

Timeline of History of the Mojave Desert

1844 Indian massacre at Resting Springs avenged by Kit Carson and Alexander Godey of Fremont's expedition 1849 A portion of the Hunt Wagon party, while ...

Mojave Desert Ecological Subsections

The alluvial plain of Death Valley, from Sand Spring south-southeast to the . ... the Funeral Mountains, Black Mountains, Greenwater Range, Resting Spring .

Mormon Pioneers

The Mormons would be staying on the Missouri until the following spring. Winter Quarters would prove to be a ... Camp Resting Springs A Mormon mail train was ...

Shoshone/Tecopa & the Old Spanish Trail Route Guide

At 5.2 miles take a left turn toward Tecopa Hot Springs-a paved road that ... Privately-owned Resting Springs Ranch, 5 miles further along the paved road, was ...

The Southern Paiute of Las Vegas Valley

Still earlier, John C. Fremont, on his epochal 1844 trip through the area, did not encounter a single live Paiute after leaving Resting Springs until he reached the ...

Death Valley Ecosystems

the Funeral Mountains, Black Mountains, Greenwater Range, Resting Spring Range, and Nopah Range between Death Valley and the Amargosa Desert and ...

Shoshone, Ca

In a shady grove of mesquite known as Metbury spring, the town of ... includes the Funeral Mountains, Black Mountains, Greenwater Range, Resting Spring ...

Tecopa, CA

Pictures of Tecopa California and Tecopa Hot Springs. ... Mojave Desert Cities, Towns & the Rest - Amargosa Desert Region - Inyo Co.

Chief Tecopa, Tecopa California

Certainly he lived up to the name in the three day battle with the expedition of John C. Fremont and Kit Carson at Resting Springs in the 1844. He fought to save ...

Kit Carson

They killed two Native Americans, scattered the rest, and returned with the horses . .... In spite of this, the Navajo signed a treaty, known as the Bear Spring treaty, ...

Camp Cady

During stay, two Mexican refugees told him of being ambushed by 100 Indians at Resting Springs, to the north on the Las Vegas-Salt Lake City trail. Also see: ...

James Beckwourth

Despite several battles with Spanish posses, including a gunfight against a posse of 75 men led by Governor Jose Antonio Carrillo, at Resting Springs the gang ...

Resting Springs was a well-known stopping point on the Old Spanish Trail. This was an ancient trade route between Santa Fe, New Mexico, and Los Angeles, California. The trail consisted of rugged deserts, hilly mountains, and broad valleys that were no easy task for even the most daring of individuals to cross.

Well-named, Resting Springs was a lifesaving oasis in the Mojave Desert. Water being scarce in the arid landscape, this was an oasis. Traders, travelers, and explorers filled their canteens, gave a thirsty animal a drink, and rested before attempting the next portion of the harsh journey.

The Old Spanish Trail was crucial in the 19th century, particularly for horse, mule, and wool product traders. It was not strictly trade, though-this trail also assisted individuals in migrating west and exploring as the United States expanded its borders.

For tired travelers, finding Resting Springs would have been a small miracle. It was a location where living was a little less perilous and at least for a brief period. These springs were not only practical; they were precious sources of life in an barren landscape.

Resting Springs today demonstrates the strength and resourcefulness of early settlers. It is a reminder of the hard work that went into crossing these wild regions and the importance of natural resources in determining historic travel.

Resting Springs' past and others like it reveal the determination necessary to create history in the American West.
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These items are historical in scope and are intended for educational purposes only; they are not meant as an aid for travel planning.
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