Digital-Desert : Mojave Desert
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Joshua Tree National Park > Nature Trail > Indian Cove

Indian Cove

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Rockpile formation in Indian Cove. Hundreds of years ago, here in Indian Cove, a land-locked bay in the Mojave Desert, Indian tribes such as the Serrano, Cahuilla and Chemehuevi crossed in their winter migrations, hunting small game and gathering wild seeds and nuts. Evidence of their presence is scattered throughout the area.

Indian Cove, 3,200 feet high, is in the Mojave Desert, located between the Sonoran and Great Basin Deserts. While the Mojave Desert gets slightly more rainfall than the lower deserts, competition for water is still fierce. Only the hardiest plants and animals have survived. Even more remarkable is the great diversity of life that evolved through adaptation and development of mutual support systems.

You will see many unusual life forms along this .6 mile, well-marked trail that winds across a desert basin and through a sandy willow-filled wash.

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