Digital-Desert : Mojave Desert
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Joshua Tree National Park - Nature Trail
Cap Rock Trail

Designed for Desert Living

Life in the desert is possible as long as all residents adjust to its harsh conditions. On this trail you have seen many adaptations of the plants and animals of a Mojave Desert community. What are your adaptations to desert living? Would you be able to survive in this "land of little rain?"

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Also see:

Adaptations to the Desert

The Mojave Desert is an environment of extreme heat, poor soil nutrients, limited soil water-holding capacity, and—worst of all— ...
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Country Life Realty
Wrightwood, Ca.
Mountain Hardware
Wrightwood, Ca.
Canyon Cartography
G.A. Mercantile

Grizzly Cafe
Family Dining

Abraxas Engineering
These items are historical in scope and are intended for educational purposes only; they are not meant as an aid for travel planning.
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