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Eldorado Canyon - Searchlight, Nevada


Beginning in 1911, a rapid decline in production from the Searchlight mines began. For the next 10-year period, production averaged only 20 percent of the prior decade. The individuals working the mines were lessees and primarily interested in working over old stopes and rem'oving pillars. Little exploratory effort was expended to locate new deposits. The leasing period closed the initial development of the Searchlight Mining District. Later activity in the 1930's and 1940's consisted of reworking of the tailings with better separation techniques. No additional mining of any substantial nature was undertaken. Should mining resume, as is now postulated, it will probably be aimed at base, not precious, metals.

HDavid F. Myrick, Railroads of Nevada alld Easte/'ll Califol'llia (Berkeley; Howell-North Books, 1963), II, p. 850.
lUThe Searchlight, April 14, 1905, p. 2.
lOMyrick, Railroads of ... ,pp. 851-852.

Early Development of El Dorado Canyon and Searchlight Mining Districts JOHN M. TOWNLEY


Previous Work

Prior to 1897

Spanish Mining

Nineteeth Century

Searchlight Boom



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Country Life Realty
Wrightwood, Ca.
Mountain Hardware
Wrightwood, Ca.
Canyon Cartography
G.A. Mercantile

Grizzly Cafe
Family Dining

Abraxas Engineering
These items are historical in scope and are intended for educational purposes only; they are not meant as an aid for travel planning.
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