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Eldorado Canyon - Searchlight, Nevada


The shipment of high-grade gold ores from Searchlight in 1899, following a 20-year slump in Nevada mining, caused increasing interest "Ibid. The two newspaper articles cited explain in detail the events in the Searchlight district during the early years. The February 8, 1907 Searchlight Bulletill was an illustrated issue printed on heavy magazine paper. The pictures are better defined and offer unusual views of the camp.

'Searchlight Bulletill, July 14, 1911, p. 1; Searchlight Bulletill, July 19, 1907, p. 1. This article gives the names of all attendees, and makes the point of mentioning that district records at that time include over 5,000 pages of manuscript material.

8The Searchlight, July 29, 1906.

El Dorado Canyon and Searchlight Mining Districts 23 from national mining firms. The first article from a professional mining magazine devoted to Searchlight was dated July 1898. "Summit Springs-at this p'oint, 50 miles north of Needles, California and some 10 miles west of the Colorado River, there is some excitement caused by a promising gold strike made by a Mr. Colton. His first shipment of the selected ore yielded at the rate of 72 oz. per ton. He is now shipping a carload that is expected to produce about $200 per ton. Conservative miners who have recently visited the locality are pleased with the outlook in this vicinity."v The rush to Searchlight was noticed in February 1899 by the Engineering and Mining Journal. "Miners flocking to the Searchlight camp, located about 100 miles north of Needles. High-grade gold quartz veins have been discovered. The El Dorado Canyon mines are increasing their output which all passes through Needles as shipping point."10

The original prospector's camp was located near the present site of the Cyrus Noble mine." It was later moved into the townsite opened by the Searchlight Development Company.

The years between 1897 and 1903 were years of growth and synthesis. After a period of shallow development and prospecting on the surface exposures of the vein system, it was seen that the ore bodies were to be found a minimum of 200 feet below surface level. This was too expensive an undertaking for the individual prospector. Consolidation of the numerous claims into a few large companies resulted. With the example of the Quartette before them, investors were persuaded to fund the development work of the more impressive lodes. The New Era Mining Company incorporated with a capital of $300,000 to work its mine in 1900.12 The Duplex Mine was developed with capital from Riverside, California. A mill was built and the shallower stopes were worked. The Searchlight Mining and Milling Company began development in 1899. Not until 1904 did they locate paying ore in their mine.

In 1900, the directors of the Quartette Mining Company determined that it would be more profitable to crush their own ore than freight it by wagon to Manvel, then ship by rail to the smelter at Needles. Not having reached water level in any of the various mines, the decision was made to situate the mill and cyanide plant on the Colorado River and haul the 'ore to the mill from the mine. 's It was an easy 12 miles, with loads going downhill to the mill and returning up the canyon empty. Later, in May 1901 it was decided to build a narrow-gauge railroad to connect the two °Engineering and Mining JO/lI'I/a/, July 2, 1898, p. 18. The name "Summit Springs" is used rather than the now traditional Searchlight. The springs were the nearest well-known topographical feature. I°Ibid., February 11, 1899, p. 184. "The Searchlight, July, 1906, p. 1. 12Engineering and Mining JO/lI'I/al, November 17, 1900, p. 590. 13Ibid., June 2, 1900, p. 660.

Quartette Mine photo

points. The line was opened in May 1902. Paradoxically, shortly after the line was in place, the lower workings of the Quartette Mine encountered a heavy flow of potable water. The mill was thereupon moved to Searchlight and the railroad was abandoned in 1906.14

Production from the Searchlight Mining District in the boom years preceding 1911 was between $350,000 and $400,000 annually. This was primarily the product of two mines: the Quartette and the Duplex. Their ores were generally $15-$20 per ton in gold. Only one period of labor trouble caused a drop in production. On June 1, 1903 the Quartette was struck and the work stoppage was maintained for over 5 months. In September 1903, strikebreakers from Colorado were brought in and the strike slowly failed. No violence occurred, but the union was not able to secure recognition from management.]"

The last boom year was 1910. Thereafter, ore shipments declined. The stock companies instructed their workmen to remove the last of the ore in sight and refused to expend further sums for development or exploration. Mills were closed and 'only standby crews maintained at the mines. The properties were then offered to individuals under lease.

The steady production of the boom years led the AT&SF Railroad to build a 23-mile section of track between Searchlight and Barnwell. On March 31, 1907 service was begun. The railroad has subsequently maintained that it lost money during every year of operation. The first 3 years provided a steady supply of freight traffic. However, from 1910, tonnage steadily dropped. By 1919, trains were operating only on Monday and Friday. A severe washout in September 1923 stopped all passage. The AT&SF petitioned the Le.e. for the necessary permission to abandon the line. In February 1924 permission was granted and the line was never restored. lt'

Early Development of El Dorado Canyon and Searchlight Mining Districts JOHN M. TOWNLEY


Previous Work

Prior to 1897

Spanish Mining

Nineteeth Century

Searchlight Boom



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