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Desert Plants - Ash Meadows

Plants at Ash Meadows

a general view of plants at Ash Meadows

The average rainfall in Ash Meadows is three inches per year: In years of abundant rainfall, the Refuge may have a spectacular show of over 330 species of flowers and shrubs in bloom. The threatened Ash Meadows milkvetch and threatened Ash Meadows sunray begin flowering early in spring.

The most common tree in the refuge is the screwbean mesquite. In the hot summer months, animals and plants use it as shade. The tree gets its name from the coiled or "screw" shaped pods found in bunches during the summer. Native Americans cured the pods and ground them into meal.

Plants survive the heat and drought by surviving as seeds in the soil, often for decades, until favorable conditions occur. When the time is right they quickly sprout, flower and drop seed.


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