Digital-Desert : Mojave Desert
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Death Valley Photos - Panamint Springs Area

Aguereberry Point

Elevation - 6,433 ft.

Looking across the valley it is easy to understand why Pete Aguereberry enjoyed sharing this spectacular view with others. From this point in the Panamint Mountains on the west side of Death Valley, Mount Charleston (11,900-foot high, 80 miles to the east in Nevada), the green oasis of Furnace Creek, and the white salt flats of Badwater Basin can be seen.






Panamint Range - Southeastern Great Basin


... you will travel over Quaternary gravels, past outcrops of the Mesozoic Skidoo granite and then ...
    Pete Aguereberry
    Pete Aguereberry was born in 1874 into a Basque family in France. At an early age he read about the wonderful gold discoveries in California and begged his ...

    Prospectors in the Mojave
    Mining in Death Valley, Prospectors & Miners Pete Aguereberry · Shorty Harris · Jack Keane · Johnny Lang Sunrise on Clark Mountain across the Ivanpah Valley ...

    Shorty Harris - Death Valley History
    Old-time prospector Shorty Harris and greenhorn Pete Aguereberry found a promising looking ledge in the Panamint Mountains. Pete stayed behind and started . ...

    Timeline of History of the Mojave Desert
    1905 - Pete Aguereberry and Shorty Harris discover what turns out to be the Eureka mine. 1905-06 Tonopah & Tidewater railroad built from Ludlow to ...

    Harrisburg (Aguereberry Camp)
    Old-time prospector Shorty Harris and greenhorn Pete Aguereberry found a promising looking ledge in the Panamint Mountains. Pete stayed behind and started ...

    Panamint Springs Area
    Aguereberry Point. 1000 feet higher than Dante's View, this viewpoint gives a ... Along the gravel road is the remains of Pete Aguereberry's camp and his ...

    Desert Gold Mines
    Pete Aguereberry nearly died trying to cross Death Valley in ... Wildrose Kilns. Wood was harvested locally, packed within the kilns and burned into . ...

    Stovepipe Wells Dune Field, Grotto Canyon, Mosaic Canyon, Cottonwood Canyon, Skidoo, Aguereberry Point, Stretch Pebble Conglomerate, Charcoal Kilns/Mahogany ...
Panamint Mountains - Death Valley National Park

Skidoo Mill Skidoo (site) Harrisburg
Eureka Mine Cashier Mill Aguereberry Point
Wildrose Kilns Wildrose Peak Telescope Peak

Ecology: Panamint Range - 341Ff

Regional Geology: Northern Panamint Region

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Country Life Realty
Wrightwood, Ca.
Mountain Hardware
Wrightwood, Ca.
Canyon Cartography
G.A. Mercantile

Grizzly Cafe
Family Dining

Abraxas Engineering
These items are historical in scope and are intended for educational purposes only; they are not meant as an aid for travel planning.
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