Digital-Desert :
Mojave Desert
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SnakesIt is not uncommon to encounter snakes while in the outdoors. What is uncommon is for people to react to the presence of a snake with calm. Most people fear snakes because they do not understand them or their importance in the natural world. While several species are potentially dangerous to humans, most are harmless creatures that form vital links in their ecosystems as highly efficient predators of rodents. Common sense is the best protection against dangerous species when afield: watch where you place your hands, where you place your feet, and where you sit. If you find a snake LEAVE IT ALONE! Purchase a field guide for identification of the various species. Enjoy the outdoors by learning more about these fascinating animals. Snakes are reptiles of the order Squamata, closely related to lizards. They are cold-blooded, limbless, scaly and narrow-bodied; some are venomous.RattlesnakesCommon Snakes
Gopher Snake Rosy Boa Mountain Kingsnake Coachwhip Common Kingsnake Glossy Snake Long-nosed Snake Night Snake Spotted Leaf-nosed Snake Striped Whipsnake Western Ground Snake Western Lyre Snake Western Blind Snake Western Patch-nosed Snake Western Shovel-nosed Snake Mojave Desert Shrubs - Desert Plants Snake Weed, Gutierrezia sp. Sunflower. Golden Bush, Haplopappus sp. Sunflower. Cheese Bush, Hymenoclea salsola, Sunflower. Mohave Aster, ... Cactus-Yucca Scrub - Desert Habitats This snake is most active at night and in the early morning but be careful where you place your hands and feet at all times. ... Wildlife of Yosemite National Park Yosemite has a diverse snake fauna with thirteen species recorded in the park. ... Of the thirteen species of snakes found in Yosemite, only the western ... Chloride City Ghost Town - Death Valley In 1871, August Franklin killed a snake, looked down and found some rich looking float. He and his partners followed the rich looking ore on up to its ... Desert Ecosystems Yucca night lizards may then eat the termites but fall prey themselves to an owl or snake. As the Joshua tree continues to decompose, stinkbugs may nibble ... Mojave Desert Occasionally, a lizard on a rock will push himself away from the burning desert floor, a snake will hide in the stingey shade. ... Ash Meadows Some snakes and larger lizards begin emerging from hibernation including gopher snake, common kingsnake, desert spiny, western whiptail, and zebra-tailed ... Wildlife at Hoover Dam They are ground dwellers that hunt lizards, snakes, birds, ... You may find this snake in areas where mesquite, creosote and cacti are prominent. ... Great Basin The Great Basin is a large, arid region of the western ...Rattlesnakes and Gopher snakes are also present. Shorebirds such as Phalaropes and Curlews can be found in wet areas. American White Pelicans are common at ... Tree of Life, the Joshua Tree The spotted night snake crawls among the dead tree limbs searching for its favorite prey- yucca night lizards. < Previous - Next > ... Riparian Habitat of Grand Canyon Wildlife Many snake species, which are not directly dependent on surface water, ... Since many snakes feed on lizards, higher prey densities along the river probably ... Creosote Bush: Indian Cove Desert Indians used creosote bush to treat various ills including stiff limbs, sores, snake bites, menstrual cramps, and congestion. ... Grand Canyon Wildlife - Reptiles Many snake species, which are not directly dependent on surface water, ... Since many snakes feed on lizards, higher prey densities along the river probably ... Pack Rat: Desert Wash Environment You should see evidence of several pack rat nests along the trail but be aware that those in rock piles may conceal a snake escaping the desert heat. ... - List of California Mojave Desert Snakes Lichanura trivergata gracia - Desert Rosy Boa Arizona elegans eburnata - Desert Glossy Snake Arizona elegans candida - Mojave Glossy Snake Chionactis occipitalis occipitalis - Mohave Shovel-nosed Snake Chionactis occipitalis talpina - Nevada Shovel-nosed Snake Coluber (Masticophis) flagellum piceus - Red Racer (Red Coachwhip) Coluber (Masticophis) taeniatus taeniatus - Striped Whipsnake Hypsiglena torquata deserticola - Desert Nightsnake Lampropeltis getula californiae - California Kingsnake Phyllorhynchus decurtatus - Leaf-nosed Snake Pituophis catenifer deserticola - Great Basin Gopher Snake Rheinocheilus lecontei - Long-nosed Snake S. h. mojavensis - Mohave Patch-nosed Snake Sonora semiannulata semiannulata - Groundsnake Tantilla hobartsmithi - Smith's Black-headed Snake Trimorphodon biscutatus lambda - Sonoran Lyresnake Trimorphodon biscutatus - lyrophanes - Baja California Lyresnake Crotalus atrox - Western Diamond-backed Rattlesnake Crotalus cerastes cerastes - Mohave Desert Sidewinder Crotalus cerastes laterorepens - Colorado Desert Sidewinder Crotalus mitchellii pyrrhus - Southwestern Speckled Rattlesnake Crotalus stephensi - Panamint Rattlesnake Northern Mohave Rattlesnake - Crotalus scutulatus scutulatus Leptotyphlops humilis humilis - Southwestern Threadsnake (Blind Snake) |
![]() Gopher snake California Snake Facts
Venom facts for rattlesnakes found in California Source -- USGS |
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These items are historical in scope and are intended for educational purposes only; they are not meant as an aid for travel planning. Copyright ©Walter Feller. 1995-2025 - All rights reserved. |