Digital-Desert : Mojave Desert
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Bear Valley - Adventure Tours

The Lake Adventure

Gray's Peak Trail

Visit the fascinating world of the forest as you hike among towering Jeffrey Pine and White Fir trees on one of the best trails in the valley. Smell the fragrant pines. Listen to the wind whispering in the trees, chattering squirrels, and and singing birds. In the spring and fall, these forests are full of migrating songbirds. Enjoy spectacular glimpses of the lake and nearby mountain peaks.

Season: Spring, summer, and fall

Audience: Hikers, adventurers, equestrians, mountain bikers

Degree of Difficulty: Moderate

Duration: 3 1/2 miles round trip to Gray's Peak, 2 hours; 5 miles round trip to Hanna Flats Campground, 3 1/2 hours

Points of Interest: Gray's Peak (7,600' elevation), views of the lake, seasonal streams, Hanna Flats Campground

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These items are historical in scope and are intended for educational purposes only; they are not meant as an aid for travel planning.
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