Digital-Desert : Mojave Desert
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National Old Trails Road - Victor Valley, CA

NOTR in the Victor Valley

The National Old Trails Road crossed the Victor Valley from the Cajon Summit north to Main Street in Hesperia, east to a short jog north and east then north again at the railroad tracks at the little village of Hesperia. From the little town the highway ran adjacent to the tracks for a couple miles before the tracks slipped away heading down toward the Mojave River. The road continued on north through the low hills and broad washes until it came to Victorville. Jogging through Victorville again running next to the railroad tracks the road curved northwest crossing the river to Oro Grande.

Abandoned portion of NOTR

Looking south from Hesperia Road south of Bear Valley Road

Looking south down Hesperia Road from Greentree Blvd.

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