Digital-Desert : Mojave Desert
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Ecology - Mojave National Preserve:
Flora & Fauna

Fauna in the Mojave Preserve

    In its entirety, the California desert contains no finer grouping of different wildlife habitats than in Mojave National Preserve, both from the standpoint of total number of species and the total number of animals. The intermingling of the three desert environments has produced approximately 35 wildlife habitat types. The diverse habitats support about 300 species of wildlife. The literature documents 36 species of reptiles, 206 species of birds and 47 species of mammals. A few of the most notable species include the gila monster, desert tortoise, Mohave tui chub, Mojave fringe-toed lizard, regal ring-necked snake, and desert striped whipsnake. Significant avian fauna include the prairie falcon, Bendire’s thrasher, California thrasher, gray vireo, golden eagle, Lucy’s warbler, mourning dove and Gambel’s quail. The Preserve has one of the more significant bat faunas of the California desert. There are also populations of rock squirrels in pinyon-juniper woodland, a relict population of dusky-footed woodrats, mule deer, porcupines, mountain lions, and desert bighorn sheep.

    A large portion of the Preserve is critical desert tortoise habitat. Some of the highest densities of tortoise are found in the Ivanpah Valley in the north end of the Preserve.

source - NPS

also see:

Desert Wildlife

Although at first glance the desert seems to have little in the way of wildlife, it actually contains large, diverse populations. The desert environment may seem an ...

Mojave fringe-toed lizard

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