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Geology - Mojave Preserve:

Mojave Preserve Geology

The geology of Mojave National Preserve is incredibly diverse, shaped by a mix of igneous and metamorphic activity and structural shifts over time. These processes have left their mark on the land, creating rock formations that date back as far as the Precambrian era and continuing up to the present day. The landscape features isolated mountain ranges separated by broad valleys filled with alluvial deposits, creating a mix of rugged peaks and expansive basins.

At the heart of the preserve are the Providence, Mid Hills, and New York Mountains, which run in a northeast direction, effectively splitting the region. Major valleys in the preserve include Ivanpah Valley, Kelso/Cedar Wash, Lanfair Valley, Devils Playground, Piute Valley, and the northern part of Fenner Valley. Interestingly, while Ivanpah Valley and Kelso/Cedar Wash are aligned along the same northeast-to-southwest axis, they drain in opposite directions. This reversal is due to a subtle northwest-trending divide near the town of Cima.

Lanfair and Piute Valleys channel their waters via Piute Wash toward the Colorado River. Meanwhile, other valleys have self-contained drainage systems, where water collects in basin-like playa lakes such as Soda Lake and Ivanpah Dry Lake. These dry lakebeds are remnants of ancient lake systems and serve as stark reminders of the region's complex hydrology and arid climate.

The Mojave's unique combination of geologic features creates a fascinating and varied landscape, reflecting millions of years of dynamic Earth processes.

Geology in the Mojave Preserve

Cima Dome

Famous for its remarkably smooth dome shape. At one time, Cima Dome was a rugged, craggy mountain. How did it become so rounded? The story starts with the granite it's made from.

Hole in the Wall

These intricate forms hold the key to a devastating and violent episode in Mojave's geological past.

Cinder Cones National Natural Landmark

Cinder cones form when lava erupts as relatively benign liquid fountains. As lava is spewed through the air, it solidifies instantly.

Formation of the Mitchell Caverns

Many people visit Mitchell Caverns to admire the intricate dripstone formations (speleothems) that decorate the interior walls. These decorations formed during the last of three main stages in the development of this subterranean maze.

Kelso Dunes

The Kelso Dune complex has some of the highest dunes (600 feet,160 meters) in the region. Few people realize however, that these magnificent dunes form only a small part of a much larger sand transport system that includes the Devil's Playground.

Soda Lake

Playa lakes are among the flattest landforms in the world. They form under arid conditions when water drains into basins with no outlet to the sea and quickly evaporates.

Devil's Playground

Mesozoic Rocks


Cinder cones national natural landmark

Kelso Dunes, Mojave Preserve, Eastern Mojave Desert

Banshee Canyon, Hole-in-the-Wall, Midhills, Mojave Preserve

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