Digital-Desert : Mojave Desert
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Joshua Tree National Park - Mojave Ecozone:
Geology Tour Road:

Squaw Tank

Use by Man

Archaeological investigations show that this area has been used by semi-nomadic Native Americans have used this area for roughly 1,000 years. Stone mortars in the bedrock can be found which were used for grinding seeds. The caverned openings in the rock may have been used for fire and shelter. Water pooled in natural tanks were an attraction for Native Americans who camped in the area, and later on, Cattlemen, who built a concrete dam to collect water from rains.


GLOSSARY > bedrock

Also see:

    Native American Culture in Joshua Tree

    In general, tribal peoples historically occupied their lands in small, mobile social units of related families who traveled in regular patterns, ...

      Cahuilla Indians

      The Cahuilla are Takic [Uto-Aztecan] peoples arriving in southern California about 2,000-2,500 years ago. ...

      Serrano Indians

      The territory of the Serrano included the entire San Bernardino range of mountains, west into ...

    Ranchers & Cattlemen

    Cattle ranchers in other areas probably heard rumors of fine pastures in the high desert from ...

Squaw Tank concrete dam
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These items are historical in scope and are intended for educational purposes only; they are not meant as an aid for travel planning.
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