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Golden Canyon Geology Tour

It's All Downhill

Entering a canyon during a rare desert rainstorm can be dangerous. Besides the threat of flash floods, falling rocks can be an unexpected hazard. Rocks loosened by rainwater tumble off cliffs and steep slopes, crashing toward the narrow canyon bottom. Hikers beware!

Come rain or shine, rocks are destined to make their way to lower elevations. Water and gravity work together to move the rock, but other forces can help start the process. Regional stresses help to fracture the rock, and deposits of salt within the cracks may expand to further break the rock apart. As large blocks of rock are broken up, water and gravity are able to transport the pieces more easily.

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GLOSSARY > canyon, rock, , ,

Golden Canyon Geology Trail

  • Death Valley's Fan Club
  • An Abrasive Situation
  • Former Fans
  • The Restless Earth
  • Long Gone Lake
  • Ripples in Time
  • Salt of the Earth
  • A Recipe for Badlands
  • It's All Downhill
  • Red Cathedral

  • click the photo to continue

    Rocks, large and small, can loosen from canyon walls and fall
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