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Golden Canyon Geology Tour

Long Gone Lake

As you walk up Golden Canyon, you travel through an ancient, changing landscape. Look closely at the rocks exposed in the canyon walls. The conglomerate layers containing large boulders have given way to light-colored deposits of silt and clay. Such fine-grained sediment typifies debris deposited at the bottom of a calm lake. These mudstones are thought to be of similar age to the conglomerate described previously. In crossing the boundary between these different rock layers, you have walked across an alluvial fan and into a lake.

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GLOSSARY > alluvial fan, canyon, clay, conglomerate, landscape, rock, sediments, silt, , ,

Golden Canyon Geology Trail

  • Death Valley's Fan Club
  • An Abrasive Situation
  • Former Fans
  • The Restless Earth
  • Long Gone Lake
  • Ripples in Time
  • Salt of the Earth
  • A Recipe for Badlands
  • It's All Downhill
  • Red Cathedral

  • click the photo to continue

    Silt and clay deposits at left, conglomerate on right
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