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Death Valley Region Geology Guide

Central Death Valley (CD)

Sites CD1-5 are generally located between Furnace Creek and Stovepipe Wells and all are easily accessible by most any vehicle and with one exception, very easy to locate. Sites CD1, 3 and 5 are immediately adjacent to paved roads. Site CD2 is at the end of a short, flat well-graded gravel road. Site CD4 is at the end of a slightly rougher and steeper gravel road that is accessible to most vehicles with a modicum of clearance. The sites emphasize mining history, evidence of climate change since the Pleistocene and Neogene extensional tectonics.

    CD1. Harmony Borax Works

    The borax minerals on the playa have been derived from weathering of the Pliocene age Furnace Creek formation which comprises ...

    CD2. Salt Creek

    The hills form a small anticline that has been cut by a fault on the northwest side (Wright & Troxel, 1993). This fault no doubt plays a role in ...

    CD3. Manly Gravel Bar

    The gravel bar was built by waves on the shoreline of Lake Manly at one of the later stands of the lake. This is likely because ...

    CD4. Keane Wonder Mine

    The mill sits on high grade metamorphic rock derived from the lower member of the Crystal Spring formation (Wright and Troxel, 1993). These rocks ...

    CD5. Boundary Canyon Detachment Fault

      a. Fault Trace

      Like most low angle faults, its location swings wildly with the topography. Generally, below the fault plane are ...

      b. Upper Plate Folding

      These are rocks of the upper plate of the Boundary Canyon detachment fault: The latest Precambrian Stirling formation and the Wood Canyon formation ...
Keane Wonder Mine


harmony borax, death valley, furnace creek

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Country Life Realty
Wrightwood, Ca.
Mountain Hardware
Wrightwood, Ca.
Canyon Cartography
G.A. Mercantile

Grizzly Cafe
Family Dining

Abraxas Engineering
These items are historical in scope and are intended for educational purposes only; they are not meant as an aid for travel planning.
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