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Desert Rivers - Amargosa Desert:
Amargosa River

Amargosa River Photos

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    The river starts to form north of Beatty, near Springdale, Nevada.

    Big Dune

    It is a 1.5 square mile complex star sand dune that reaches 2,731 feet above sea level. It is managed to protect habitat for ...

    Ash Meadows

    Warm water from underground bubbles up through sand into clear spring pools. Silvery blue pupfish dart between swaying strands of ...

    Death Valley Junction

    Water will collect in the riverbed in Death Valley Junction, California.

    Eagle Mountain

    South of the mountain, the river cuts across the road and follows it toward Shoshone, California.


    The river maintains its course through the marsh along the east side of town.


    Flow will sometimes pick up as the Amargosa passes by the thermal spings and Grimshaw wildlife refuge.

    China Ranch

    South of China Ranch the river cuts deep into the desert. Lush, hanging gardens abound.

    Sperry Wash

    Gravelly shapes are carved into the conglomerate material in the wash.

    Dumont Dunes

    The Dumont Dunes are bordered by steep volcanic hills and the slow running Amargosa River, the area ...

    Harry Wade Road

    Sand and more gravel, and sometimes wildflowers, if the season and conditions are right near Harry Wade Road.

    Saratoga Springs

    Saratoga Springs is located near the southern boundary of Death Valley National Park. Several springs feed ...

    Westside Road

    The Amargosa runs north into Death Valley across the Westside Road.


    The water collects for a bit, and then seeps into the alkali of the Badwater Basin.

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