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Bear Valley - Adventure Tours

Forest Adventure

Sugarloaf Trail

Sugarloaf Trail offers the solitude and peace of the forest experience with the added bonus of panoramic views of San Gorgonio Wilderness and Baldwin Lake. Walk or ride through changing forest types -- from moist stands of Limber and Lodgepole Pines to dry Pinyon Pine woodlands mixed with Mountain Mahogany, Snowberry and Whitethorn brushlands. Watch for songbirds around the meadows and springs.

Season: Year-round (check trail conditions)

Audience: Familes with older children, hikers, cross-country skiiers, mountain bikers, equestrians

Degree of Difficulty: Moderate to strenuous

Duration: 8 miles round trip, 2,000 foot elevation gain

Points of Interest: Sugarloaf Mountain; spectacular views of the San Gorgonio Wilderness and Big Bear Valley

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