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Parks, Forest and Public Lands

San Gabriel National Monument

View from Inspiration Point in San Gabriel National Monument
President Obama, who is visiting Southern California, was scheduled Friday (10/10/2014) to designate the San Gabriel Mountains National Monument, which will cover 346,000 acres in one of the nation’s most heavily visited forests. The mountains northeast of Los Angeles are a popular recreation area. More than 15 million people live within a 90-minute drive.

The peaks of the San Gabriel Mountains frame the Los Angeles skyline and offer hundreds of miles of hiking, mountain biking, motorized, and equestrian trails as well as campgrounds to the area’s diverse residents. In addition to providing drinking water, the San Gabriels’ rivers support rare populations of native fish, while the vegetation found in the monument supports native wildlife and insect species, including pollinators important to farmers. The area is also rich in cultural and scientific history. More than 600 archeologically and culturally significant sites are found within the new monument, such as the Aliso-Arrastre Special Interest Area, which features rock art and cupules that exemplify more than 8,000 years of Native American history. The new monument is also home to the Mt. Wilson Observatory, where Edwin Hubble discovered galaxies beyond the Milky Way and Albert Michelson provided the first modern measurement of the speed of light.

Map of San Gabriel National Monument
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