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Lucerne Valley & Vicinity

Peter Davidson's Grave

Born in Scotland, 1826, settled in Lucerne Valley in 1883 and is believed to be the areas first white settler. He build a home on the knoll behind this site and gave food and lodging to wayfarers. He died, unmarried, Jan.17.1908 at the age of 82. His grave is 30 or 40 feet north.

In 1884 Peter Davidson operated a Way Station at Rabbit Springs. Travelers could get fresh water, exchange news, rest and/or sleep over. "Uncle Pete" died in 1906. His grave is at Kendall Road and Rabbit Springs Road. (Ethel Owen - 1988)


In the photo below you will notice that 30-40 feet north of the marker is Rabbit Springs Road. Pete is buried below the pavement. Apparently, reinterment was not in the County's road budget--
Peter Davidson's grave, Lucerne Valley
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These items are historical in scope and are intended for educational purposes only; they are not meant as an aid for travel planning.
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