Digital-Desert : Mojave Desert
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Geomorphic Provinces

Map Index

California's geomorphic provinces are naturally defined geologic regions that display a distinct landscape or landform. Earth scientists recognize eleven provinces in California. Each region displays unique, defining features based on geology, faults, topographic relief and climate. These geomorphic provinces are remarkably diverse. They provide spectacular vistas and unique opportunities to learn about earth's geologic processes and history.

Note: Although the Mojave Desert resides chiefly in its own geomorphic province, the Mojave's botanical boundaries overlap with neighboring regions to varying degrees. By examining these regions we gain a better understanding of how and why the Mojave Desert is what it is.

    Mojave Desert

    The Mojave is a broad interior region of isolated mountain ranges separated by expanses of desert ...

    Basin and Range

    The Basin and Range is the westernmost part of the Great Basin. The province is ...

    Transverse Range

    The Transverse Ranges are an east-west trending series of steep mountain ...

    Colorado Desert

    The Colorado Desert province is a low-lying barren desert basin, about 245 feet below ...

    Sierra Nevada

    The Sierra is a tilted fault block nearly 400 miles long. Its east face is a ...

Earthquakes & Faults

California straddles the juncture of two great crustal plates: the Pacific plate and the North American plate. ...

San Andreas Fault

The presence of the San Andreas fault was brought dramatically to world attention on April 18, 1906, when sudden ...

Garlock Fault

The Garlock Fault is the defining fault between the Mojave Desert and Sierra Nevada, Basin and Range geomorphic provinces.

source - California Geologic Survey

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Country Life Realty
Wrightwood, Ca.
Mountain Hardware
Wrightwood, Ca.
Canyon Cartography
G.A. Mercantile

Grizzly Cafe
Family Dining

Abraxas Engineering
These items are historical in scope and are intended for educational purposes only; they are not meant as an aid for travel planning.
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