Natural Feature > Fossil Falls - Owens Valley - North Mojave Desert Desert Gazette
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Index : Fossil Falls > Area Description - Early Culture - Way of Life - Adapting

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Some 10,000 to 20,000 years ago, the first human beings camped along the ancient rivers and lakes of the Mojave Desert. These prehistoric people harvested lakeshore resources and hunted large animals. By 6000 B.C., extreme aridity caused the last of these ancient rivers and lakes (including the Owens River) to disappear. The grasslands, marshes, and large mammals that had once flanked these lakes vanished. Prehistoric human populations may have partially abandoned low-lying desert areas in search of food and water in upland mountains areas.

> Next > Way of Life, page 1 of 2

Index : Fossil Falls > Area Description - Early Culture - Way of Life - Adapting
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