Digital-Desert : Mojave Desert
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Mojave Desert History:
Death Valley National Park

Death Valley History & Culture

Various articles regarding the history of the Death Valley region.

In 1849 a party of pioneers taking a shortcut to the goldfields of California stumbled into the valley. The pioneers were desperate for water, and they too found salvation in the springs at Furnace Creek. In the 1870's the first white settlers, Andrew Laswell and Cal Mowrey entered the valley. They were looking for water to grow crops and alfalfa for the booming towns in the Panamint Mountains to the west. Laswell and Mowrey developed hay ranches at both Bennett's well and Furnace Creek and were the first to dig irrigation ditches to harness the power of the water in the Furnace Creek area.

Wildrose Kilns



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These items are historical in scope and are intended for educational purposes only; they are not meant as an aid for travel planning.
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