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Angeles National Forest

San Gabriel Mountains

Hiking Trails in the High Country

These trails are only a few of the many, varied hiking, cycling and equestrian experiences you can enjoy on the Angeles National Forest.

Distance (Round Trip), Elevation Gain, Difficulty

Charlton Flat to Vetter Mountain

3 miles, 400 feet, Easy

Charlton Flat to Mt. Mooney and Devil's Peak

1 1/2 miles 250 feet Easy

Islip Saddle to Little Jimmy and Mt. Islip

6.1 miles, 1,250 feet, Easy to Moderate

Buckhorn to Cooper Canyon and Littlerock Creek

4 1/2 miles, 900 feet, Moderate

Chilao to Mt. Hillyer via Horse Flats

6 miles, 1,000 feet, Moderate

Eagles Roost to Littlerock Creek

7 miles, 1,100 feet, Moderate

Buckhorn to Mt. Waterman

7 miles, 1,300 feet, Moderate

Vincent Gap to Prairie Fork

8.8 miles, 2,000 feet, Moderate

Kenyon Devore Trail to Mt. Wilson

9 miles, 2,600 feet, Moderate

Islip Saddle to Mt. Williamson

5 miles, 1,600 feet, Moderate

Dawson Saddle to Throop Peak

4 miles, 1,200 feet, Moderate

Prairie Fork to Upper Fish Fork

8 miles, 1,000 feet, Moderate

Crystal Lake to Mt. Islip

7 1/4 miles, 2,200 feet, Moderate

Crystal Lake to Mt. Hawkins

10 miles, 2,800 feet, Moderate

Icehouse Canyon to Icehouse Saddle

7 1/4 miles, 2,600 feet, Moderate

Baldy Notch to Mt. San Antonio

6 1/2 miles, 3,500 feet, Moderate

Chilao to Devil's Canyon

7 miles, 1,500 feet, Moderate to Strenuous

Vincent Gap to Mt. Baden-Powell (elevation 9,399')

8 miles, 2,800 feet, Moderate to Strenuous

Three Points to Twin Peaks Saddle, Mt. Waterman and Buckhorn

11.8 miles, 3,700 feet, Strenuous

Blue Ridge to Mt. San Antonio (Mt. Baldy)

10 miles, 3,000 feet, Very Strenuous
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The Angeles National Forest offers 557 miles of hiking and equestrian trails which include 73 miles of National Recreation Trails and 176 miles of the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT). These trails offer ample choices for all, from beginners to experienced outdoor enthusiasts.

All trails, except the PCT and those in Wilderness Areas, are open to mountain bikes. Be careful and alert! Mountain bikes must yield the right-of-way to hikers and horses.

Before beginning any hike!
  • Take into account your time available.
  • Have a good knowledge of the area (maps help!).
  • Check out the weather for the area you will be hiking in and dress appropriately. Take extra clothing and the necessary equipment (don’t forget water). The time of year will help determine your needs for your trip.
  • Consider what the terrain is like where you're going.
  • Check with a local Forest Service office for information concerning trail conditions and fire restrictions.
  • Please leave the Forest clean - dispose of your trash in trash receptacles or bring it back with you.
  • Keep the wildlife "wild". Please never feed the wildlife, and watch and enjoy from a distance!
  • Let family or friends know where you are going and when you expect to return.
Suggested Equipment Checklist:
  • Small shovel or trowel for sanitation.
  • Whistle (3 blasts is a distress signal). Please use the whistle only in an emergency!
  • Flashlight
  • First aid kit
  • Snakebite kit
  • Pocket knife
  • Dark glasses and sunscreen lotion
  • Waterproof matches

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These items are historical in scope and are intended for educational purposes only; they are not meant as an aid for travel planning.
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