Digital-Desert :
Mojave Desert
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Wildlife Books & Journals Denizens of the DesertA book of Southwestern mammals, birds, and reptilesBy EDMUND C. JAEGER Contents THE CALIFORNIA ROAD-RUNNER THE NEOTOMAS, OR PACK RATS, OF THE DESERT BILLY BOB-TAIL, THE HERMIT WOOD RAT THE SPINY POCKET MICE THE CACTUS WREN CATHERPES, THE CANON WREN BETSY BOUNCE, THE ROCK WREN THE ANTELOPE CHIPMUNK THE ROUND-TAILED GROUND SQUIRREL AND NEAR RELATIVES He went out that morning into a world of plenty. The spring rains of the few days previous had sent millions of seeds to sprouting, ... ELEODES, THE BEETLE THAT STANDS ON HIS HEAD THE MASON BEES THE DESERT BIGHORN AND NEAR RELATIVES In the most inaccessible canons, and on the rugged, barren, and desolate heights of those isolated mountains of mystic solitude which thrust their serrated pinnacles and roughened ... DON COYOTE THE BATTLE OF THE REPTILES "How I would like to go out an hour with you some time and see all these things you have told us about!" THE PHAINOPEPLA LATRODECTUS, THE POISONOUS THE LE CONTE THRASHER THE GNATCATCHERS AND VERDINS THE DESERT LYNX THE DESERT WHITE-CROWNED SPARROW THE BLACK-TAILED HARE Among the smaller animal folk of the arid Southwest, the black-tailed hare or desert jack rabbit, is the paragon of racers. CALLISAURUS, THE GRIDIRON-TAILED LIZARD SAUROMALUS, THE CHUCKWALLA The chuckwalla comes forth among the most belated of all the season's guests. THE SIDEWINDER TESTUDO, THE DESERT TORTOISE As the head is drawn in, they forcibly eject through their tiny nostrils the air from their lungs and so produce a rather alarming hiss. THE VINEGAROON THE DESERT HORNED LIZARD Near Coyote Holes the writer found a veteran prospector named Johnson who had four horned lizards about his shanty and he seemed to think almost as much of them as he did his faithful burros. SPILOGALE, THE SPOTTED SKUNK |
Also see
El Burro |
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Country Life Realty Wrightwood, Ca. |
Mountain Hardware Wrightwood, Ca. |
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G.A. Mercantile |
Grizzly Cafe Family Dining |
Abraxas Engineering privacy |
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